
This is sort of the point, right? When people say that their gun ownership doesn't affect others, they are asking everyone else to just take on faith that they are stable, responsible people. Gun owners scare the shit out of me, particularly in concealed carry states where it feels like anyone in the crowd could be a

"Firearms are inanimate objects and do not increase a risk"

So if someone breaks in, you'll... Tell them you need a moment to run out the shed and "get something"?

O_O So many kids! Too many people in general. My god. I wonder how many percent of deaths are gunshotwounds. I don't understand why guns aren't just banned altogether, I just don't get it. I mean, I get tthat people shout, like "something amendment!" but that doesn't mean shit if you look at how many people die.

Why are some people so scared that they'd rather risk their children's lives than live with the possibility that NO ONE WANTS TO BREAK INTO YOUR STUPID HOUSE? Ahem. I'm done now.

"Firearms are inanimate objects and do not increase a risk. "

It doesn't have to be your own kid, either. A person can have the most obedient kids in the world, but their little play date friend or cousin may not be so tractable, or even understand what a gun is, until too late.

Barring the circumstance of those living in exceptionally poor and violent regions, I don't see anything rational in expecting an armed invader to break in to your home with the intent to kill you. Could it happen? Sure. Is it likely? Not really. Buying a gun for home defense is like bringing a parachute as your

No, statistics show that firearms do increase a risk. You have a right to own one (or many). Fine. But please don't pretend like it doesn't affect anyone else. Please don't act like guns aren't dangerous, that only "bad guys" who are "inside your house" have to be concerned. Guns are inherently dangerous and

I starred/unstarred this comment continuously just so I could experience the feeling of "liking" a comment one thousand times.

Exactly what I was thinking. In all the scenarios she gave, there was zero chance of the victims being able to access the weapon. Assaulted in your own bed? "Please excuse me a minute, dear rapist, there is something I need in the next room."

maybe you should value safety above your gun fetish

I've had an ex who assaulted me, then later stalked me. I still see no need for a gun. I think it's a false sense of security.

I guess maybe where you are, the home invaders will politely wait for you to move to the room with the safe in it, if by some amazing turn of events you are ever anywhere else in your house?

You are an idiot.

That's why you get a dog. The dog alerts you to the intruder. Fuck, they've been domesticated for almost 30,000 years to do this. Not rocket science.

I find that to be backwards logic. I'd want the criminals to not have guns. After all, they're criminals. By definition, they do bad things. You're making the argument that all ordinary civilians are terrible with guns and run around mindlessly pulling the trigger. I don't want Responsible Joe to have his gun seized

It's not "The Criminals" getting kids killed or shooting up schools. As far as I'm concerned, they can have their guns. It's the regular citizens that I'm worried about.

That's tragic and also scary because according to that video