
Who is saying that? I just don't want to see nudity for the sake of titilation when I open up my supposedly family friendly newspaper. Same deal if it were nude men. It's an inappropriate venue.

Exactly. If the sun had a topless photo of a woman everyday, but it included all women, not just young, thin white women, I'd be all for it. But it presents a very narrow view of what breasts 'should' look like to be considered attractive.

Unfortunately men are like that everywhere, but what annoys me is that the Sun would shame a woman for breastfeeding and not "covering up" and will shame anyone who does not fit their conservative views and then you turn the page to see a 18 year old posing topless. They are hypocritical assholes and that why so many

That's because that's exactly what it is.

That's because, unlike feminists in the UK, women elsewhere seldom know the extent and nature of exploitation, nor the degenerative effects exploitative nudity has on the status of women in society.

Something that drives me mad here in the UK is how many men will stare, give dirty looks and make horrible comments to women breastfeeding, but will have no problem with page 3. It's like our breasts can only be seen in public if they are young, pert and not feeding a child. Or they're fine for mens sexual desires,

Astonishing. This has huge feminist support in the UK. Yet come to Jezebel and it's all restricting freedom of speech. Fucking hell.

The page 3 was sexist and exploitative and plenty of former page 3 models have spoken out against it, once in blue moon it would feature topless men but i think more people would support page 3 if Sun wasn't so right-wing and if it featured men.

Thanks! By the way, I think I found the pic of the hot confederate guy and...he's less hot than I remember. I'm not sure why I reacted to that picture so viscerally but I guess I was ovulating or something.

***HORK*** Pls not to be posting pictures of Le Putin with all of the pretty menz.

You have inspired me to fall down the very same rabbit hole later! Australian hotties are the best hotties and Aussie tv is FULL of them. Oh the youtube and wiki holes I shall fall through thanks to you.

I've always had a hard time understanding how this could possibly be a thing. That said, I have a feeling there will be an even more mind-boggling backlash.

Yessss. I once met a guy who looked like Heath Ledger and was really nice, funny and smart. I am in a long term relationship and I can't say I didn't think about it...hard.




WHOA! I forgot he was in that too! SAD

Well, young Stalin was sexy and not yet evil, so ...

Normally I'm not wowed by white male movie stars because they kind of all look the same to me, but I will admit that James Franco and Matthew McConaughey are looking pretty fine on those Esquire covers.