
Oooo! Oooo pick me! I want to guess which UVA frats have a bunch of kids with daddies who are lawyers.

These entitled little assholes need to remember, they are there at the pleasure of the university. They can be un-invited at any time. Sorry, "Greek" boys and girls, but the college and universities were around before you, some colleges and universities have managed to run quite well without you, and others could

Jezebel seems conflicted about this - you've spent a week breathlessly shiteing on about how these women looked, and now you're complaining that people are asked about how they looked.

"It's an interesting reminder that the red carpet gauntlet is seemingly designed to reduce women to fabric, jewelry, and manicures."

I wish I had a video clip of Helen Mirren talking about her Je Suis Charlie pen brooch when the interviewer quickly changed subjects to ask her about her weight.

It is standard for universities to control how alcohol is served on campus. A sober person serving alcohol? No kegs? No giant tubs of mixed drinks? Get over it.

I would just pretend it's a gameshow lightning round where I had to answer a series of questions in a limited amount of time and go "PASS!" They'd get three chances, then I'd run away. Problem solved.

Um, you must be somewhat illiterate or consciously picking only comments that support your statement cause I've seen more variations of NOPE than most any other article.

Right? Didn't she say they were sleeping on the floor for like, five days? How many pounds did she pack on in one week to suddenly grow out of her shorts?

Oh Picard, you always know what I am thinking. I think if he read this it would end up with him saying to the replicator " Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. In my eyes."

My grandmother and grandfather — my fiancé's parents — are going to attend and my grandpa will give me away.

My father basically stopped all contact with me when I was 16 because my voice is too much like my mother's. If I saw him today, I'd bash his head in because he died 20 years ago and fuckin' zombies, man.

Something about this story does not ring true. I read the full article.and this 18 year old does not sound like an 18 year old. Her grandparents are ok with this. The heroin. She. Seems more like a character then a real person. I cannot imagine his giirlfriend bei ok with this. Maybe I just do not want it to be true.

Between the erotica-like sex descriptions, and the fact that, uh, her family and friends are on board with this (riiiiiiiiiiiigght), I'm calling bullshit.

The thing that struck me is that she said she has "never been in a more passionate, loving, fulfilling situation". But like, this is the only sexual relationship you've ever had. And you're 18.

In my day, when a father started fucking his 17 year old daughter (which is when the fucking started by her account) we called that rape.

Did you miss the part where he groomed her as a teenager and took advantage of her in a vulnerable time in her life? She's 18 and engaged to her dad.

Yeah, seriously. Lots of people like and dislike the same things. I don't want to be pooped on during sex. Bet my dad doesn't either. Correlation, not causation.

Oh good, my contractor installed my new lava pool. I'm just going to dive into it, head first, covered in gasoline.

"We both hate neck-biting..."