
I would suspect that the older girls/women are, the more chance they have to resist the practice, though that may be wishful thinking.

There's also this very excellent book by Camilla Gibb, Sweetness in the Belly (2011). It's largely set in Ethiopia (and within the Ethiopian community in London) and FGM is a catalyst for part of the book.

Seems to me that empathy should have no cultural, political, or geographical boundaries. If it harms another human being, it's wrong.

It's just part of the female experience. The band is actually every member of the female species and all our songs contain wailing and sobbing.

"I know we're not supposed to judge other cultural practices"

haha, I totally didn't make this comment to get a bunch of people to call me cute, but it seems that that has been the result, and I will totally take it. I'm sure you're also cute, though I imagine you look more like human than a group of large, similarly colored pixels.

I worry about what happens after the epidemic ends, though. Will these same girls still have to get it done at a later time (when they're even older)? Probably. And if they don't get it done ever, they will likely be shunned by their communities.


This reminds me of the "friend" (now former" who defended staying friends with my rapist by telling me that "I need to get over it or get help" and she was just "telling me like it is." People who say this are assholes, plain and simple.

Neil deGrasse Tyson was a black kid raised in the Bronx, educated in the New York public school system, who went on to get his BA in Physics from Harvard, his Master's in astrophysics from University of Texas, and his PhD in astrophysics from Columbia. Those are degrees most people don't have the intellectual capacity

Go on...

SERIOUSLY! At a certain point you're not a bullying kid, you're just an asshole with a shit personality. That's how they start out.

Yeah, no one who's "honest" and "tells it like it is" has ever said "Maureen, your hair looks great today. I'm just telling it like it is", or "Sweetie, you know I'm just being honest with you, you've been doing really well at your job, I'm super impressed with your progress". So either you're really honest, and

Yeah, I think it's FINE to call her out for being a bitch.

What species are you talking about?

I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".

Well, since I am clearly no better than these girls, I clicked that video and thought to myself, "Let's take a look at these supermodels, passing judgement on us mere morta—— wait. THOSE GIRLS ARE CALLING PEOPLE UGLY? THOSE GIRLS? Hahaha ok."

I'm just sayin...

19 years old and still bullying people?

People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.