
It is an odd statement, but it's one that has again and again proven to be truth. That the concept exists (wrongly) and is espoused by many people is true, not that the idea itself is true. I've covered the way tabloids go after celeb cis men with rumors they slept with trans women, and it's never portrayed as if the

Very much so. We still need to see QPOC. And we need to see trans + cis heterosexual and homosexual couples as well, white and of color. I mean, I'll be the first to say it, some trans people (sometimes myself) can be seen as "obviously" trans, and we shouldn't have to feel like that invalidates us, but we should be

How astonishing to see this. Bravo to Tiffany for creating such a tasteful ad. My eyes blink in disbelief to see it! The world is changing whether any of us want it to or not.

These ads are great. I noticed a disturbing trend in wedding-related ads when planning my wedding last year, though. I would see gay couples (awesome!) represented but not multiracial couples in bridal magazine ads and on stationary sites like Wedding Paper Divas (not so cool). Where did all the multiracial couples in

Please. Trust me, us gay guys are always wondering that about straight men.

Or people can just do whatever they want, or not do anything, and none of it matters.

Tiffany windows in London had a gay couple with a kid as part of their Christmas display. It made me so happy that they were making this super adorably made statement, & now to see this news makes me even happier xxx

Everyone, Tiffany's included, is just making it up as they go at this point. Frankly, the bar has been set pretty low — all gay marriage has to do to beat out straight marriage is settle on a tradition that doesn't fund wars in Africa.

So several months ago I got an e-mail from Blue Nile about wedding bands, and in it was an ad for Her and Her, Him and Him, and Him and Her. I haven't gotten around to deleting that email. It was just really nice to see some inclusiveness in the wedding biz, especalially considering that every ad by every company

I'm pretty sure Margaret came up with this for herself. It's not a role she auditioned for because it was the only thing available to her as an Asian. She's fed up with what's going on and parodied it.

She was making fun of an evil dictatorship that has put the North Korean people, her people, through unimaginable pain and suffering. And do you know why she played it like that? Because SHE CAN. Because she's here. Anyone over there who pisses off the government is sent to camps and sentenced to years of forced

I wouldn't underestimate the power of self-delusion that would let someone doing this think they weren't engaged in actual sex work.

Hmmmm. I always thought that young women went to college so they could live an independent life, and not have to rely on a man for their financial well being.

She's probably rucking around the outback right now with nothing but a duster hat and a smile.

If she told you, she'd have to kill you.

Everyone wants to know what happened to the last chef after that incident but I want to know her entire life story BEFORE. What kind of life did she live where she even knew how to do that?

Not to be "that girl" but it says 5 PM, not AM in the story.

TO BE FAIR, there is a big difference between wild and farmed salmon, especially regarding health concerns (pregnant women, for example, should only eat wild).

"She tourniquets her arm at the elbow with an ice pick and towel, washes the blood off, puts the offending knife onto the gas fire, heats it to a nice brick red and...wait for it...cauterize her own arm."

Finally! Someone with the courage to affirmatively identify the restaurant without playing silly guessing games like "it's named after a town that's in the same state as another town that provided the name for a famous soap opera" or some equally asinine riddle.