
I hope your friend learns that not even for-real tattoo apprentices start off practicing on people. Tell her to go to the store and buy some oranges and bananas and practice on the skin.

Fortunately for Holly, a show called "Bodyshockers" has taken pity and is covering the cost of lasering off three of her tattoos (the dick, the 'Dyke,' and some sort of cartoon that was supposed to be Storm from X-Men but apparently didn't come out looking as such, as DIY tattoos tend to not look).

*blank stare* You thought a tattoo gun was used for temporary tattoos?

YES! FUCK YES! A FUCK TONNE OF FUCK YES! What's more, the whiny, used and mouldy douchenozzles that demand extra-special entitled services for showing up and gracing us their presence and their money think we should grovel for it. Fuck them!

I work with people AALLLLLLLLL day. I have a finely developed appreciation for people who take no shit from those people and a keen respect for management that doesn't throw itself into every mud puddle so the customer can walk all over them and their staff. The customer isn't always right. Sometimes the customer is a

I agree with you. More power to her but she's not well-read.

It's ridiculous that Charlize Theron would earn less. She's a bigger star.

So the big name star of the mo I is offers less than the guy in it. What is it about having a vag and tits that makes women worth less?

it's the same with book haram. The great majority of their victims are Muslim and they seem to exclusively attack Muslim areas. It's tough to deal with people hating u for being a Muslim when at the same time you are even more of a victim of the violence than they are. I have family members who have been victims of

Thank goodness for this guy and his quick thinking. And I really think there's more kindness and thoughtfulness like this in the world than the nightly news would have us believe. My co teachers bike was stolen not too long ago, and that's shitty, but one of our students asked his parents if he could buy his teacher a

I would like to see Jez or Gawker do apost dedicated to this as well. Something akin to the police brutality cases here in the states a few months ago.

This started trending a few months ago, apparently, but seems to be picking up steam this week;

Exactly. The Muslim victims of these crimes are getting little to no attention by mainstream media here in the States. Basically social media is where I found out about the Muslim cop, the Muslim copy editor and the black female police officer that was killed.

Why did he leave the freezer? What did he do on the outside?

I'm glad to see so many stories about the Muslims (by faith or tradition) affected by this violence (Ahmed, the police officer who was killed; Moustapha, the Charlie Hebdo copy editor; and this man). In most of the American reporting on Islamic extremist violence, the fact that many (and sometimes most) of the victims

How will they report it? Easy — they won't.

I think there are a LOT of people like this guy. We just never hear about them unless something this big happens. But people reach out and help each other in so many different ways, every day.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't think I would ever have the courage, nor the quick-thinking skills if I were to be in a similar situation.

I'm fascinated by the culture and samurai system myself, but the more I read about the subject, the more it feels like it's just barbarism in a tuxedo. The code of honor was just window dressing rationale for barbaric behavior that was similar to what was going on everywhere else in the world.