
More men like you please.

My way of dealing with this kind of learned helplessness shit is to just refuse to engage.

I commented about this the other day. I'm kinda baffled that this doesn't happen. Actually I assumed this DID happen, but a whole bunch of parents were opting out anyway and that's what the kerfuffle was about.

Me too!! The worst part was it was like the best sex dream I've ever, so wrong.

I had a sex dream about Jeremy Clarkson once. It was definitely weird and uncomfortable when I woke up.

Yep, European and we have several mass vaccinations done at school. Parents can opt their children out if they choose but virtually no one does.

Do you guys not get this vaccination at school? It's one of the ones we get before we leave school here and it's a pretty standard mass vaccination.

I'm so sorry for your loss :(

Personally I find the Town Called Hypocrisy video/song very difficult and weird to watch now I know Ian Watkins is a raging paedophile. It's hard to listen to an album knowing my purchases funded his drug fueled abuse.

Thank you! Congratulations on passing too.

They are hourly (apart from management), and yeah I wouldn't read that shit either, even if they paid me.

I was gonna comment this earlier but forgot!

I am going to print this and use it as the bookmark in my textbooks and every time I get disheartened I'll be like awh yeah.

Celia, this depresses me so hard. I have been studying to pass my CIPD certification and am working my arse off to get a work placement so I can get job in HR. And this fucking bitch thinks she's HR. WHO IS HIRING THIS EMBARRASSMENT OVER ME? SHE HAS 'FUTURE TRIBUNAL' WRITTEN ALL OVER HER. WAT THE HELL.

I don't know what your beef is with pepper, she's right.

Seriously B&Q? "Read the book"?? How about fucking no. How about you fuckers type me up a summary of shit idiots might be asking me about thanks to this shitstorm of a film if you think it's so damn important cause no, I will not be watching this film or reading the book, even if you provide it for free. Fucksake.

Your mum is amazing.

You are my new hero.

I want to give you all the stars.

Kinja is literally the worst.