
Why are you grey?

Everything about your posts screams it.

Dude, you have said SO much, across both threads. No point shutting up now!

Girls who like dancing or getting shitfaced are not "quality", gotcha.

Seriously? Or option four - just don't use it. I boycott tons of companies who I don't agree with or aren't a good fit for me, sometimes I find another company who does essentially the same thing, sometimes not using X makes life a little less convenient but there are very few organisations essential to the ability to

What, you think I read Jezebel for you? You're part of the white noise of terribleness this site attracts.

I check Jezebel about eleventy million times a day, so I'm not sure exactly what time but it always crops up later on in the day for me. Dirt bag and cute fluffies are a good way to end the day though.

In my time zone dirt bag comes at the end of the day, so I've always had a day full of horrible crap to deal with before dirt bag hits.

Of course you d0n't. Your opinions are frequently awful, that you condone this shocks no one.

The point is more that 'accents in general are hard' than Americans/British are shit.

My friend -who grew up in England so has no excuse - inexplicably had no idea Hugh Laurie was British. He'd just seen him in House and thought he was really American.

For reasons unknown (clickbait) Jez hearts the Daily Mail very, very much.

This post broke my heart. Shit.

Oh honey it doesn't make it impossible for me to enjoy - I get the superior original. It's you guys and your weak, watered down rip offs who are being let down.

American remakes boggle my mind. It's fascinating that some execs somewhere think people are incapable of understanding British accents. If you watched more Scottish television you'd be able to understand it. Or more Scottish characters in other tv, whatever.

But they do ruin them. Make your own damn tv and stop stealing ours.

Given that it's the only sane response, yeah buddy.

I got rape and death threats from someone on a fitness website who was upset I wouldn't be his friend. I called the police when he started messaging me with personal information about myself - city I lived in, friends names, etc. Because I couldn't tell the police who he was and where he was they wouldn't do anything

THAT'S your take away from this piece?

Oh honey, no.