
Good point. In other words, they issue from a time so dire and morally twisted that their morality can only express itself in forms recognizable to us as evil. That would be an awesome theme if the show can tease it out properly. The problem with that is that the connections to real-world events make those kinds of

The random knife throwing had an edge of greatness. The character was like, "The distant past is a great place to throw deadly weapons at the only people I know." And so on.

That's true. Like I said, I'm going to keep watching.


I'm kind of torn on Continuum. The clunkiness made it a tough watch for me, and the terrorists seem so cartoonishly evil that it casts their cause into doubt. But I think I'm going to watch every episode, nitpicking each element to death, until I realize how much I like it.

When I was nine, a babysitter related the plot to me as a bedtime story. Sadistic bastard.

I'd love it if I were 12 years old again and sneaking into a theatre to watch this movie.

And to think that they called the Dean a non-miraculous son of a bitch.

This looks better than everything else.

+ many.

I heard that the alcohol was released from oak barrels. The provenance of the oak barrels and the smooth mellow flavour they impart - that's the real mystery.

"From the mind that brought you The Happening."

This is the worst Prometheus clip yet.

I'm glad this book has the usual amount of Davidian humor. This gives me a Davidian humor baseline that I can apply to future works.


At first I thought that this show would be ridiculous, but once you get past the hump of accepting the premise, it's just a terrible show.

You know, I keep meaning to see that film.

When the megapixel race for the Eye-cam begins, followed by people arguing about whether more megapixels makes a difference when they're still using the same old sensor that they came up with in 2024, I'm going to shoot myself.

Possumville, Raccoon City's newest bedroom community development. It's got its own Wal-mart, a brand-new multiplex facility and a state-of-the-art underground Umbrella Corporation death lab. Great for families.

I don't think The Incredibles, good as it is, is based on a comic book.