
I've had variations on the following conversation with a dozen people over the last ten days or so:


"Aliens here. Please give us all of your advertising executives and telephone sanitizers."

I take this as conclusive proof of alcohol's superiority. It's so much better at killing you.


That was Gabourey Sidibe. She played multiple roles in that film. I know, right?

He drank their collective milkshake.

Take that, Fancy Beard Bentley.

The shot of Iron Man around 1:50 reminded me of the scene in Serenity when the ship is dipping around the Reavers' EMT blasts.

You may also want to count Samuel Jackson in that tally. The crowd of extras is pretty darn white, though.

In the future, TED Talks will be extremely menacing.

The latter-day Guy Pearce may be an android.

I don't see much of a future for Abrams' Revolution.

It could be bunnies.

I'd like to see Rammstein in The Hunger Games. But I feel I should clarify that I wasn't trolling - just being silly.

Let's look at these points individually:

They should have called that show V: Nothing Ever Happens.

I love this article. io9, more like this.

Dropping unobtainium on the planet would be the basis for a hilarious sight gag. It would just float there. Or boomerang back.

"...there's a great line where Rebecca asks Ray, 'What is it about Alcatraz that makes everybody into a liar?'"