
Superman IS Lion-O.

I certainly didn't mean to be rude, GospelX. Please accept my apologies.

Wait, Scott Rosenbaum didn't think there was enough time to wrap up the V storyline? But nothing happens in every episode of V. The bulk of the running time is taken up by Fifth Column plans that get conjured out of thin air and then fail. "We're going to take Anna down. Oh wait, we didn't. And she's more popular than

I think the show is cruelty enough.

"Because the film takes place in a brothel it calls for these huge production numbers." Yes, of course.

Aside from the nagging question of why he doesn't seem to know about his mission or his new identity (which has already been raised here), that was excellent. I like the existential horror going on. It's like an Oliver Sachs case study gone to heavy metal extremes. As if ACE FREHLEY were the evil mastermind behind

I've always said that there's no greater obstacle to a budding romance than a Leonard Nimoy possession. Yes, I've been saying that since 1978, and now I finally know what I was talking about.

Why do so many filmmakers mangle PKD? God, I wish I knew. Having produced a television show (that had nothing to do with PKD, except that the job of television producer drags you into a state of pure paranoia interspersed with moments of inexplicable ecstasy), I can tell you that it's difficult to carry anything

We will defeat them with VoIP.

The cultural translation from Marin County to France didn't bother me. The result is something that isn't Confessions of a Crap Artist - it felt more like an interpretation of Dick's work through the lens of another culture. As for the zany, chirpy music, I just took it in stride as a French affectation. Of course,

I'm pretty sure del Toro is the only person who really wants to do it.

I can't stop hearing 'liver-borts' whenever the characters are talking about the 'live aboards'.

If they set the story on an off-world colony, it could be a chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity.

Barjo is not French Canadian. It's straight up French, and the full title is "Confessions d'un Barjo". And it's an amazing film - the mid-century California setting translates really well to middle-class exurban France. It follows the novel faithfully, from the goofy narrator to the incredibly disturbing violence that

The Event is having a two-hour midseason premiere? What, does NBC want no one to watch their network for two hours instead of one?

"Season six".

What Zack Snyder needs is a creative partner. And all that partner has to do is kick him in the balls every so often. Maybe with every third idea. Sure, some good ideas will get kicked out of him, but it'll average out over the long run. Here's how it would work:

Some states and provinces have taken the financial hit for the sheer prestige factor, and as a basis to build infrastructure to create a more sustainable industry. Has it worked? Probably not since the financial crisis, I'm betting.

If you made a true prequel, then, you'd end up with The Space Jockey Holiday Special.

I just went and bought a copy and I'm in the middle of it right now. So far it's a real pleasure - the language feels much more accessible when it's placed in the context of the whole book.