Boss: "I got some bad news guys..."
Boss: "I got some bad news guys..."
So if there's profanity/obscenity on air, the station itself is fined by the FCC, and not the individual, correct? If so, I would've cursed until the power was shut off.
The hardest part was shaving my balls. Before you go in for your vasectomy, the literature says, you should hop…
"Reading the article is hard so I decided to talk about something totally unrelated because the world needs to be exposed to my pearls of wisdom. Check out my youtube comments for more!"
Golden Retriever Gifs!
Anyone who thinks PATRICK SWAYZE was at any point hotter than BRAD PITT is just...
OK, here's the deal. You're welcome to use the comments to call me an idiot, a hateful little man, The Real Racist, whatever. But, please cool it with the "DURR THAT MOM IS HOT I'D BANG HER" takes, OK? That shit is gross, and I'm gonna ban you if you post it here.
This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker
Worst Family? Oh, we do beg to differ...
My cat hates mostly everything, including me. He loves my Padad though, as you can see here.
#3 is pretty much the only ACCEPTABLE item on this list.
ok #3 is understandable though.
This was mine.
My face during that video.
Oh, fuck off.
This list is from the first quarter of 2014. The updated 2015 list will include all bags and boxes of various materials. We thank you for your concern.
You forgot paper bags!
Me too. Must've hired some youths or something.