Paleo Speedwagon

body chemistry is everything. i thought i didn't like perfume because i tried a classic - Chanel #5 - and i smelled like crap. turns out it was just wrong for me. i wear muskier scents now, and i gotta say, i am damn near irresistible in the right scent.

i have only two scents that i love:

for reasons i can't quite fathom, now i'm stuck on Lionel Richie's hit song, "All Night Shlong."

she is AWESOME. and a totally decent human being. i had the privilege of photographing her for my local paper a couple of years ago. she's so down to earth and positive, everyone is always happy to see her when she enters a room, and it's because she's just that nice.

does anybody else feel in their bones that Jay did it?

thanks, biurier2!

my cat mostly hates flashcards.

i think this is the first time in, like, 10 years that i've laughed while watching Letterman.

gods, if ONLY. /dies a little inside

btw i just noticed that we have a theme in our wedding experiences: having to deal with old dudes. gimme five, up high!

THIS. seriously.

Producers of the third Bridget Jonesmovie are worried that Renee Zellweger's new face will render Bridget newly unrelatable.

i want this on a t-shirt.

that's not a balloon, that's a BABY, you fucking moron

this is like that scene in Twin Peaks where Laura's dad tries to dance/make out with Maddy before killing her.

silly lady. haven't you read any recent American history? the only way you can guarantee that something goes on forever is to declare war on it.

let's not sell Jim Cooke short, though - he's amazing. and i don't usually use that word for anything other than drinking chocolate and this one mushroom trip i had like 10 years ago.

I love you, Tara Jacoby.

"subtle butt stubble" is simultaneously the most awesome thing to say and the least awesome thing to have burned into my head.

this hair completely derailed my attempt to watch that vid: