The lost revenue should enrage the non-Bathroom Warrior types on the right
He works for Ben Anime Avatar
Wasn’t that the current asshole governor of Florida?
I mean, what he wrote is probably worse than Vogon Poetry
If you’re implying that you don’t want to see sausage makers getting made...I completely agree
Or he’ll pull a Scott Walker and point to an obscure magazine saying how well he’s doing
It’s the look on the dog that makes it perfect
I’ll grab a text version if you could pass the whiskey
Ra’s: When this weapon is fully charged, Detective, Happy Valley will become THE VALLEY OF DEATH!
+1 triangle choke
Is it too much to ask for the 92nd edition?
Simply put,
Plus, he was a goddamn freshmen at the time.
Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 hitting Jupiter. I’ve always been a goddamn nerd
This is Free Agency
“Mate, I’m not injury pr-
Jesus, what does that asshole have against sandwiches?
In the same place the 2014 and 2015 DSHOF awards are stored