Pablo Neruda

I’m not quite sure how we ended up here.

Tim Tebow is not white. Typical Americana thinking Jesus is white when in fact he is/was middle eastern.

Peace love and unity?

It did, however, end at the Battle of San Jacinto.

Oh yeah? Well,

Ah, it’s been so long, you beautiful, slick bastard. How long we been bantering here? Since 2013, 2014? How’s the family, how are the kids?

#notallcatholics Pablo. ;)


“No there “aren’t”.”

“On are side”?

I hope you, or Splinter people working with you, can expand on the heartbreaking story.

you’re a pretty good troll.

Does this brain-dead dipshit not know that marches of this sort are always symbolic? Like, does this inchworm think that normally when crowds of protesters march to the Capitol, members of Congress come out of the building to address their concerns?

I’m a Jew. That’s stupid. We don’t get offended by “nosey.”

I assume the logic is big nosed is a Jewish stereotype, Kushner is a Jew, therefore antisemitic. It’s idiotic, but I assume that’s the logic.

This is the butt munch who Trump hyped as having the Mid East Peace solution and who spear headed the US’ unilateral recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The brain child left standing after Trump gutted the State Department.

I can’t stop crying over what these poor kids have had to go through, but I am so proud that these kids are our future. This is the first time in my adult life that I’ve been hopeful about any real common sense gun legislature passing. And it is 100% because of these children. I hope the NRA and all their A+ rated


I’m not going to be reasonable about this.