Pablo Neruda

I was in Mexico for three weeks this past summer and fell in love with the country. You’re right, a good portion of Americans DO look down on countries like Mexico when they compare it to the US. And being that ethnocentric is gross in general, but what exactly are we so proud of? “Wow, we’re so great—#1 in school

I’m honestly wondering how much more I can take before deciding that I can’t live in this country anymore. The last year or so has been like we’ve turned over a rock, and all the slimy, creepy crawly things that live under there are coming out. America is becoming ugly and unapologetically hateful. The people running

Despite all the crazy rantings and satanic rationalizations of gun crazed fanatics and the NRA, it’s that simple. Get rid of guns.

This is all true and I’m surprised but not really how many people do not realize that Sanders receives funds from the NRA and has a very spotty gun-control voting record. He’s very good at looking clean when not being clean.

So why would you stay here then? Honestly.

Pablo, may you find peace in this. I hope this distress passes you and your hope remains strong.

I left of my off snark tag - “/s”.