Pablo Neruda

Harvey Weinstein probably did some less than cool stuff but it’s about time to get rid of this weird obsession with Woody Allen. He’s just a quirky, harmless guy.

Concentration camps are nothing compared to what DREAMERs are currently going through.

My aunt is 68 years old. She has a bad knee and worse osteoporosis. She smokes two packs a day. She loves mezcal and is always drinking mezcal. She is legally blind. She wears a wig. She wears dentures. She almost never wears shoes.

Because they are KKK guys.

You are pretending that I don’t want Universal Basic Income. That’s your strawman, not my beliefs. I think that UBI is absolutely necessary and especially for DREAMERs who need to catch up to the nativists in terms of wealth.

Traditionally the acronym is “WTF,” but I get your point. We live in absurd times. First with Bernie attacking our donor class, and now this book.

RIP Music Festivals

My mother and my sister are both obese. Fat shaming isn’t right, no matter the target. The effects are much wider than your intention. Please edit your comment ASAP. Thanks.

Is this a GOP hit piece?


Emma4Change has more brains than you ever will, Trumpet. We DREAMERs are here to stay.

Never said there aren’t teachers like that, there definitely are. They are the ones that never get promoted though, and for good reason - public schooling is a cut-throat business and you need strong teachers that value the system over the individual to get more local and state funding.

Actually, Russia hacked the election and made Hillary lose. She would have won with nearly 400 electoral votes otherwise.

This is exactly what the Bernie Bros said about her during the primaries and ironically that’s exactly why Bernie lost so badly to her. What was it... 4 million votes?

I don’t know. To me it seems that kids are sort of the necessary inconvenience we have to tolerate in order to get the benefits, pay, and and pension teachers deserve and honestly teachers should be paid way more than they are. They perform miracles in those classrooms every. single. day.

Haha don’t feel bad. I know plenty of teachers really well. A lot of my best friends are teachers and OMG the stories they have to tell about those kids would give you nightmares. It’s 100% ok and actually kind of expected in most school districts that teachers have a kind of animosity toward their students. Not like

Not only is it not normal, it is explicitly against federal and state laws in Washington DC. A POTUS is not allowed to hire his friends or family to posts, they must all come from government. It is in this way that democracy is assured to never fall into the hands of dynastic families which has never been the case...

Actually, Jesus was North African. So he is actually an African American.

Mexico has never warred with the United States. Not even defensively. We always tried to live in peace and harmony with our neighbors, just like the Native Americans did.

Yes I am. And 4chan annotation is illegal on this server. Please edit your comment ASAP.