Pablo Neruda

So now the appropriators are the victims, I guess. Interesting. Listen, I know this game. I’ve played it all my life, not because I wanted to but because I had to. For me, this is survival. It’s raw chaotic life and that’s ok. I’ve adapted. But don’t try to fool me with your word games and funny logic. I know where I

He’s not. The last good Pope was John Paul II. After his reign ended, the GOP took over with the help of Russia.

I’m talking about MLK Sr, not Jr. That’s why I didn’t type Jr.

MLK was an atheist.

Ending rape culture is, to me, a little more important than an olympic medal. I guess women like these disagree...

I can’t tell if you’re joking or not. Isn’t that the Al Azhar Ilsamic Foundation in Barington, IL?

That actually sounds pretty cool and yes I would like to help.

Interesting that they offer this instead of Black Panther tickets.

Do we, though?

Right, and I never said that they were.

No offense but only the WASPiest WASPs consider Irishmen to not be white.

Pretty sure I found Gawker the summer of 2015. Maybe 14. Good to see you’re still around and I hope all is well with you.

He looks exactly like Lebron James.

At a complete and total loss how to respond to this. Why would you say such a thing? Trump is 100% Catholic. Just like JFK Jr.

Esteban... that name. It sounds Spanish.

Well, Melania seems very Jewish. So does Jared. Anyway, I’m really not sure what your point is here.

Implying that Mexicans are gross. Classy.

In the early 2000s the Japanese sent their custom kit, Fast-N-Furious style racers to the US complete with Japanese symbols or letters or whatever the hell and this sparked, I’m sure you remember, a huge pop culture affection for barely street legal, stripped down, uncomfortable autos from The Orient. the men got the

Sure it does.

I used to think that too...