Pablo Neruda


Turnabout fair game, huh? Well lucky for me I know exactly how to handle a white nationalist like yourself.

I am very familiar with the white man’s appropriation of my Mexican heritage and culture. Our war did not end at The Alamo.

As a DREAMER, this terrifies me. Please do something about our situation. We need amnesty and full benefits of citizenship and we need it NOW.

Good, but still doesn’t help the DREAMER situation.

Best Of MLB!!!

The man is a militant German Nationalist that has been covered extensively in his Brexit profiteering [he sells pro-Brexit merch throughout Europe and has been fingered as one of the key contributors to the rejection of the EU; that is, this guy is a Russian-level foreign meddler].

Very offensive. DISMISSED.

Jesus Christo can we PLEASE stop it with this Bernie Bro nonsense? He lost in the primary because his stances and positions were invalid for modern society. We need banks. Actually, banks are a seriously huge advantage for the US. Hell, I should know. I worked as a teller at JP Morgan for three years before Trump was

1 - My name is Pablo, not whatever your saying.

No there isn’t.

You Christians are so tiresome.

What? Melania and Jared are both Jewish, not Catholic. Trump is a Catholic just like JFK.

Just sad they aren’t united in their messaging.

No there isn’t.

500 Days of Kristen was marginally better imo.

Cute is a misogynistic term in this context fyi.

Actions speak louder than words.

Reddit is filled with Donald Trump supporters who are unified against amnesty for the DREAMERs. So thanks for the invitation but I think I’ll pass.

I said she was ugly, not attractive.