Pablo Neruda

Leave it to a Benghazi Conspiracy Theorist to also be a grammar nazi. Benghazi is just a spooky story that people unfamiliar with Libya find frightening. Here’s what happened:

Why would you believe in God if you aren’t the richest person in the world? If I was Bezos I would probably believe in God because just look at all his stuff and money, but for the average Joe believing in God makes no sense at all. Nobody can prove otherwise.

Not sure exactly what you’re trying to imply but it seems a little racist if I’m being honest here. You don’t want amnesty? Fine. But how can you have a problem with amnesty? It’s not like we’re living in your house.

Some say she is really strong and brave. Others say she is attractive and has a warrior-princess quality. I don’t really see it though. Her face has a nice symmetry but I don’t know. No, I don’t think she’s very attractive.

No offense but Trump is Catholic which is pretty much as Christian as you can get. I’m from Mexico. I know Catholics and what they are capable of. These are dangerous, dangerous times and that’s all the more reason to get something done on amnesty for the DREAMERs right now. Right. Now.

Ok, well I think we found some common ground here and hey, that’s a pretty good day as far as the internet is concerned. Hopefully you understood what I said, it seems like you did. Have a good one bro.

But isn’t that exactly like a white guy singing a rap tune and not omitting the N word?

While I agree that the GOP chooses their women based on looks and aggressiveness, I think that the language we use to describe this could be a little better than the language you used. I guarantee you that some girls will read your comment and immediately feel reduced. Not a good feeling. So anyway, in the future be

Interesting that a few skaters chose not to wear black in defiance of the #MeToo movement. Makes sense I guess. Figure skaters grow up in wealthy GOP dominated suburbs.

If only we were that lucky. Marco pushes guns in broad daylight. He is like an inner city drug dealer, but with guns. Guns are his product and he does what he can to make sure they get sold to those who need a bullet fix. Unfortunately we have too many of those here in the United States.

Large? No. They are not large. They are small. Small torsos, small legs, small heads.

Thank you for not believing in God. That shows mental acuity that is nearly impossible to find these days. No wonder you are on are side. All the best minds are. Keep fighting the good fight and I will too. Peace love unity and harmony.

There was a time I appreciated Marco Rubio as little more than a disagreeable knucklehead. As a fellow native of Hispaniola lands I somewhat cherished him as an older brother does the family dog or sisters. I believed him to be harmless, weak, impressionable.

More proof that police are not just unnecessary in a modern society, but a huge liability. It’s time to end police and end the prison industrial complex.

What, exactly, are you trying to say?

I have so much more to say, if only they would listen.

I would rather let his ignorance shine and get corrected by we smarter people on this website.

Pragmatism has nothing to do with this. My description is the literal description of the function of the human foetus. Sure, maybe not everything should be called by its function, but within the context of the comment I was replying to mine made perfect sense. If anything you are being very impractical by even

My cousin Wendy was taken by ICE in December, three days before Christmas.

Jalisco is a beautiful, safe region of Mexico with some of the finest Salsa Dancing Establishments in the country. Shame on you for spreading hateful lies about one of the most popular tourist destinations on our continent.