Pablo Neruda

Please help us.

I voted for Hillary and I’m sure you did to, but I know something that you don’t. It was women like you that turned off the Bernie idiots and made us lose. Please just stop. Don’t be yourself anymore or at least while advocating policy or politicians. It’s incredibly harmful to our movement.

No. You have me confused with someone else. Please don’t say these things.

Fetus? I think you mean parasitic inhuman alien leech bug.

I agree with your sentiment and 100% everything your saying, but you are wrong about these marches always being for show. When we DREAMERs march, it is for a real cause that demands action.

Weird. A white man who chose the username “Zoidberg” is defending Anti-Semitism. Never would have thought...

Don’t Whitesplain this to me, ok? I am the authority here, not you.

Right-O. You hit it on the nose [no pun intended - and I’m also not directing that pun toward any Jewish member of the American community, unlike the original poster].

Things Mitt Romney has done:

I’m embarrassed to admit that I just can’t get into this show. I don’t know. I hope I’m not missing something here. I’ve tried and tried and I just can’t. I don’t like it.

His last name is luck. So actually he would still have that.

I’m both sad to see you observe this and delighted that at least one person here understands the maliciousness, intentional or not, of the poster’s comment.

You are confusing Nervous Nelly [common saying with no underlying racism] with NOSEY Nelly [unmistakably racist comment when directed at Kushner, Al Franken, Schumer, whoever].

I apologize. Let me clarify. You made fun of his nose and that is a traditional slight against our Jewish friends and neighbors. Like I said, this probably wasn’t intentional, but many WS people will see that as a wink and a nod in their direction.

The moving of Israel’s capital to Jerusalem is unforgivable. Not only should Jerusalem be 100% Palestinian territory, Israel itself has no right to exist.

Intentional or not, this is kind of an anti-Semitic, white supremacist response.

Because these kids are strong and brave and an inspiration to the entire world. They are so damn beautiful and kind. They are the very essence of humanity shining through the chaos that Trump has chosen to deliver to that school. My heart is breaking and I am now crying because of what you said. My God, have you no

I’m not sure whether this hypothetical person is alive or dead and I don’t think it’s very funny. These kids are literally the best people in the country, moving us in directions we didn’t even know possible. They are the change we’ve always wanted to see and it’s so damn beautiful to be witnessing this in real time.

I’m not sure how to take your comment. You honestly don’t think we can get rid of the 2nd Amendment and get guns off the streets?

Did she succumb to her injuries?