Pablo Neruda

Can’t tell what you are trying to insinuate here... that they shouldn’t have gotten away?

United States Citizens should not have access to guns. Zero tolerance. If you have a gun, mandatory minimum ten year jail sentence.

White people need to learn the merits of N-O-I-S-E. Silence is a privilege.

Totally, Brooke. I have a big problem with this and I think everyone else should too. It is not ok that actresses are not allowed to show their ages on IMDB or Facebook. That is job-prohibitive. In other words, if you are a 40 year old that looks 14, like that girl in Modern Family, then most will just think you are a

Not enough.

You white people need to get yourself together.

State? Try Federal. Full stop.

Another comment, another complete lack of signaling that you all are allies of DREAMERs. Time is ticking. Please help us.

Curious why you did not mention the DREAMERs. We are still here, for now.

So let me get this straight - privileged white bloggers are unionizing while DREAMERs are awaiting deportation and this is seen as a success?

Do not forget that it was on a bus that Donald Trump told Billy Bush that he would be assaulting women by “grabbing them by the p*ssy” upon arrival at their destination.

You are wrong.

Futbol does not cause brain damage. Americans like you have no idea what you’re talking about when it comes to the beautiful game. No idea. Refrain from speaking on the subject, please! Football causes real brain damage and it is also not a sport. They compete for only a handful of seconds at a time! Please spare me

I am a futbol fan, primarily, and not the American football that is little more than a white supremacist league that doesn’t care about giving players concussions and permanent brain damage. No, the beautiful game. Futbol. But I do watch ESPN too, and Sportscenter in particular. I don’t care so much for the updates on

Sleeping with any man is gross. Trump doubly so.

A show promoting trans culture and the fact that transgendered is little more than a gender that has existed for thousands of years is a “toxic political atmosphere?”

When we regain power, and we will starting with the Blue Wave in the midterms, we need to take drastic steps to make sure that people like this do not have a voice, maybe not even a vote.

If last week’s shooting in Florida taught us anything, it’s that prison reform is absolutely necessary at this point in time. The prison system is an abject failure. How is it that 99% of the inmates are black? And they say there is no systemic racism. Honestly, who believes that?

The citizens here are much more entitled than we are.

It sounds like you are embarrassed, which is weird. There is nothing wrong with a sperm being painted on Obama’s head. It’s art. Deal with it.