
I’m starting to think, and hear me out on this, that a 79-year-old producer might not be the best arbiter of what’s funny. 

And if he doesn’t appeal and attempts to simply skate on paying, I’m assuming that her lawyers will use a share of the 5 million he’s already paid to pursue having the court order him to turn over assets directly.

So he spectacularly sabotages his own defense, and somehow it’s Biden’s and everybody else’s fault but his. Of course.

I’ve been riding for 40 years (on road for about half of that) and whenever I see a story about some squid achieving their goal of becoming a statistic, my reaction is typically to mumble “yup” and keep scrolling. The only pity I feel is for the innocent people they kill, injure, or traumatize by committing suicide on

hopefullly she has the stamina to keep suing til he’s penniless

They don’t make good organ donors when they wreck at 150mph

I ride. Even though he displays a lot of skill, I’d be more afraid of the lack of skill from other drivers. I consider myself an above average rider skill wise, having a fair number of track days and years under my belt.  My biggest fear when riding on the highway is a that cars usually dont see you or misjudge your

Maybe a bit extreme, but how a bout a reckless endangerment charge for EVERY SINGLE VEHICLE HE PASSED?

Social media and motorcycles are a bad combination, just like drinking and riding / driving. This really makes the rest of us sportbike riders look bad and troublesome, even if we take our demons to the track and the street use is limited to commuting. Guess it’s worth that fat paycheck from YouTube ain’t it, when you

nah, if he crashed, he would have been paste.  nothing left to donate.

His video was removed but not his channel. Fail. Still getting revenue from his other BS.

I do have some advice for those that do: don’t publicly share evidence of your alleged crimes if you want to continue enjoying the freedom of the road.

No motorcyclist is a good organ donor.  If you get killed in a motorcycle accident, most of your other organs are all beat up, bruise or completely ruined.  It’s unlikely that you die in some way on a motorcycle where the rest of your organs are nice a protected.  The term “donorcycles” is dumb.

Of course his Youtube handle is “Gixxer brah.” If you had asked me to guess what his handle was, I could have probably guessed it in a few tries. What a douche risking everyone’s lives on that road. A motorcycle at 180 mph hits a car like a artillery shell.

Not even the decency to be a good organ donor.

Hazarding a guess that the world would be none poorer were this to happen.

The word “Spaghettification” comes to mind.

In a tshirt too.  I’d say this guy is likely to become a meat crayon, but at those speeds he’s more likely to just become a splat... or at least have more in common with a hanging piece of beef rather than a living human being.

A 450lb motorcycle + rider moving at 170+ mph will turn a minivan full of children into a minivan full of what used to be children with a 5ft hole all the way through the middle.