I curse them
I curse them
When you said directly, you did not overstate one bit, the ripped off stinking nature of whoever produced this video.
There is a video on YouTube that directly and blatantly plagiarizes your article. You should do something about that.
Absolutely, without a shred of a doubt
Better do it right!
Xena > Hercules
Sometimes, I kinda hope an asteroid wipes us out.
I think if God wanted you to work in Hollywoo he wouldn’t have made you such an asshole, Larry...er...Kevin, whatever.
Anything regarding him always reminds me of those times he said some inane shit on Twitter and Lucy Lawless was immediately there to fuck him up.
Should have saved or invested some of that sweet, sweet Hercules money, Kev. Blaming your lack of high-profile work on being “cancelled” for your faith is about as valid an argument as saying that no one will hire you because you’re from Minnesota.
with nails?
Oh Jesus fucking Christ.
There are so many working Christians in Hollywood; they’re just undeniably talented and/or easy to work with, so they’re kept busy and we never have to hear them complain about being canceled for being Christian.
This dude, however, sucks.
Yep it’s his religion and politics and not the fact that he has always been a terrible actor. When he was young he could play a very bland hero type in low budget syndicated TV but those days are over
Anybody who’s down knows there’s only one Way to “join” Jesus.
Your career died in the 90s, Derpcules. And it had nothing to do with your "Christian" beliefs.
Can we hear from his sweeter, cooler French cousin, Kevin Sorbet?
Chris Pratt is one of the most vocal Christians in Hollywood, and he’s also in 3 or 4 major studio films in any given year. Maybe it’s not just the God stuff that got Sorbo “blacklisted”...
Calm down, Kevin.