Well, besides the ones that are stolen due to being improperly secured, most of the rest are obtained through straw purchasers. Guess what the GOP/NRA hates more than gun storage laws? Crackdowns on straw purchases.
Well, besides the ones that are stolen due to being improperly secured, most of the rest are obtained through straw purchasers. Guess what the GOP/NRA hates more than gun storage laws? Crackdowns on straw purchases.
Case dismissed!
The Trump Defense- “It was my loyal employee who was misguided and foolish enough to think I valued them, lol.”
“Moron Labe" is some spectacular autocorrect shenanigans.
Sheritte Corbin, one of Satterfield’s alleged victims, spoke with WSOC TV, saying that after retrieving her towed car, “I immediately checked my purse and I checked for my weapon. My purse was there, my wallet was there, but my weapon was gone.”
Looks like he can’t stop stealing hair dye as well.
What part of Florida... oh, North Carolina.
It’s disappointing that people who put the punisher sticker on their vehicles don’t try to make themselves into Frankenstein. Because at one point Frank castle was turned into a Frankenstein. Joe Quesada was such a terrible editor in chief.
“The sticker said ‘Come and take it’, so I came and took it.”
The other part of this that is missing is that the people who are carrying often won’t bring them into places that restrict them. So combo that place with your right to carry sticker on your Bro-Dozer makes your vehicle a prime location to steal a gun from.
I am kinda conflicted. I hate thieves AND also hate those damn stickers.
Subheadline, so you had to click before being spoiled. Were you honestly reading an episode review expecting NOT to have the plot spoiled?
Oh fuck you. If you don’t want things spoiled, maybe don’t click on a RECAP/REVIEW of the damn episode.
I’m sorry it got spoiled for you, but honestly I would have stopped reading after “Years from now, we’ll all remember this as the one where” if I were worried about spoilers. Also, after the Succession fiasco of ‘23 I don’t trust this site to give a shit about spoilers.
From his new album “Segregation”
And I’m really fucking tired of the “dere comin’ to take muh guns” strawman. Yes, there are some people on the left who would love ALL firearms to be outlawed. But this is not part of the platform of the Democratic Party.
But the desire for it to—that’s what this song is about.
I have a theory that whatever we had when we were in high school we think of as the best. Pizza from that place we hung out on Friday nights? Those greasy burgers from the diner across the street from campus? That concert we went to at the stadium? Best ever! Maybe it’s something that gets chemically fixed in our…
Anybody who has a truly strong opinion about any of these things is wrong.