
Throwing books is certainly more FloridaMan than reading books.

yeah, spiking a meal with thc is NOT the same as putting a “secret” spice in your deviled eggs.

I mean, I sometimes have “secret ingredients” - meaning something you might not expect - in things, but I always disclose common allergens (e.g. these cookies have dairy, egg, coconut and pecans in them) and I would gladly spell out a list of ingredients if needed, secrecy be damned. Besides which half the time the

Oooh, doing this in Florida was an especially bad idea. That state’s legal system is exceptionally uptight about cannabis already, and now you’re dosing people without their knowledge? They’re gonna throw the book at this lady and then write a new book and throw it as well.

Secret and illicit ingredients can be very different from one another. Though admittedly they can be the same. The problem with this dumb person(s) were:

Glad you’ve gotten enjoyment out of it, Dennis. More than likely, your friend also uses so much starter that they keep it super active, that’s a big boon to professionals over home bakers. I’d recommend you try a cold ferment for 10-12 hours in the fridge, once I gave up trying to do it all in a day, I found the rise

Yes! Exactly this.

I was just talking to my wife about how our cast iron pans seems to get more “nonstick” with use while our nonstick ones get worse.
It’s crazy


Nope, no difference.

Correct, there is no meaningful difference at this point.

Do not forget their tendency to make videos talking about their views posing in front of their gun collection, while holding a gun and or religious texts.

I have been thinking about this for some time.

They should probably be careful however, as blocking traffic as an act of protest is a felony in Florida.

I’ve loosely followed Chef John’s method for cast iron skillet deep dish pizza, and to call that a casserole wouldn’t be doing it justice. I ended up getting a wonderful creation that felt more like an Italian-American spin on biscuits n’ gravy. The nice, light butter crust works as a stand-in for biscuits, the

I also mentioned getting rid of the pillion seat with a carbon tail cover.

Ride like you're invisible.

Meh, I’ve ridden 200 pound bikes and I’ve ridden 1000 pound bikes. It’s a mindset change, but I can hustle both. 

You clearly haven’t ridden one. Weight doesnt matter on a bike to good riders. And the weight is not bad, not Ninja 400 low, but also it is there, but manageable. I have owned and raced bikes since I was 21 (plus dirt bikes when i was kid but not that much) so 21 years…and nothing is like the Livewire I demo’d.