Seemed like they were just good old boys and never meaning no harm.
Seemed like they were just good old boys and never meaning no harm.
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again;
And stories about political discourse that causes car related problems doesn’t count? Don’t like it, GTFO then.
Paranoid Antifa seeing nutjobs roaming the country in control of 80k lb vehicles. Awesome.
Waaaah Waaaaah, the people who I’m deliberately inconveniencing for weeks because I’m mad about rules that no longer exist aren’t being nice to me.
Antifa. Short for Antifascist.
Simple; find out who’s paying for their fuel and freeze their accounts. Once those drivers have to start paying for their own fuel, they’ll head for home, worried as to whether or not they’ll even make it.
For the Grievance Tantrump Convoy, any non-white person is Antifa.
I work a 9-5 so thankfully get to miss these morons on my morning an evening commute (which involves the Beltway). However, I’d love nothing more than to do a couple laps with a large foam middle finger on top of my car right when they are doing theirs. I can only imagine the chatter.
The difference is in 1978 truckers were portrayed as outlaw working-man heroes who hated cops and just wanted to earn a living.
It’s good to see that they are NOT paranoid. Giving these idiots constant attention, and publicity just encourages and enables them further. (see Trump, and his imbecilic supporters for reference.) I often wonder what color the sky is in their world...F them.
I’m beginning to agree with an assessment that those people are suffering from mental illness and really need help.
“Useless piss-bathing morons” Has a nice ring to it! I’m adding that one to the repertoire!
The only “antifa” these wannabe fascists have a chance against are the ones they invent for their LARP.
Lock them up!
Looks like they have a lot in common with Russia, don’t they?
A victim complex is a hell of a drug.
Imagine how sad a person has to be to spend days driving to a place thinking they will be welcomed as heroes only to then spend days in denial that THEY are indeed the assholes the whole time.
Looks like things are getting too spicy for the pepper.