
I was terrified of playing Forgotten City for years because of this reason. Then it came on Game Pass and I kept hearing good things about it so I gave it a go, and it was such a beautiful, thoughtful, kind game. There’s a part of me that’s a bit ashamed I kept passing on it just because of how tainted ancient Rome

Frankly, any dude who is really into Roman or Greek history kinda has to work overtime to convince other people he is not a giant asshole thanks to the giant assholes who think they’re Spartans/think the Romans were the height of human history/start spraying urine everywhere at the mere mention of the historical fact

It’s that whole “I’m macho and a badass” motif all these Rome/gladiator movies and tv shows give off. 300, Spartacus, Gladiator, they all give cater to the incel crowd.

“Take off your mask, there’s nothing women like more than coughing their lungs out in bloody clumps! Who knows, you might even be invited to her funeral!”

In my over 30 years as a gamer(video and table top), I will say the one “group” of gamers that is almost always infested with MRA fascist asshole, in my experience, is anyone really into Ancient Rome and gladiators. Not everyone who likes that stuff but it just seems like more in that group then any other, even

I’ve lost count of the number of women I’ve spoken to during the pandemic who have expressed joy at no longer being randomly asked by strangers to smile. It’s astounding.

“Smile more.”

I get the impression this is a small Indy game so there may be no one to fire

Also, as a woman, I find a guy who is still masking in public places to be incredibly hot. The mouth-breathers in my state ditched masks last June, more or less. I was in the grocery store last week, and a guy about my age was wearing an N95 mask like me. We made eye contact and I could tell he smiled as he gave a bit

Even more fun to unpack is the assumptions the developer makes about the player’s gender and about women in general:

This guys dev notes are wonderful cringetopia content. Everything about that porn one you linked contradicts itself the more you read it, lol.  

I was gonna say that it sounds like somebody used the patch notes to get fired. But then you mentioned that they’d done something similar before. Guess i’ll take them off my wishlist.
LOL> one of the updates, he wrote that he thinks Mcafee didn’t kill himself. What a wacky dev.

So the developer is a loser. Got it.

These people are disgusting.  Steam needs to shut down services in Russia.

The Trumpvirus, yes I said fucking Trumpvirus and don’t ever forget that Trump’s malevolent leadership made something terrible exponentially worse, has made me rely on canned food to a much larger degree than in the before times.

If they had partnered with IKEA...

I used to do that too! I’d imagine that if you had a copper pan it would work even better. 

They sell these things, I’m not sure what they’re called, but they’re like a reverse heatsink. They’re a flat piece of aluminum with “cooling” fins on the bottom. You put your frozen meat on it, and it quickly brings the meat to room temperature (you can actually feel the plate getting colder!). It’s been a

None of them are worth eating now. They’ve all gone completely downhill since they stopped making them out of real Girl Scouts.