
He’s poisoning the environment, of course no one would want to work with him besides people that share his views or put up with abuse. Which is why his current conduct is merit enough to review his past conduct while working for Blizzard. We also have to ask the question ‘Was Blizzard aware and what did they do, if

But it does, and they are interchangeable. When conservatives stop supporting Republicans so they can get their judges appointed and regulations repealed, and stop looking the other way when the Trumpian shit comes out, then you might have a case. Until then, conservative = republican.

The Republicans have moved away from “family values” years ago, recognizing that most people don’t care about that stuff. That’s the thing, most conservatives aren’t really “conservatives,” and would more than likely call guys like Bush and Reagan pussies.

What Republicans have done is focus on a strain of populism

As others have said, this person was both an employee very recently, and for a very long time.

Frazier’s a talentless bottom feeder, always has been. Defending him or casting doubt on his involvement is about as effective as defending Martin Shkreli. Just wasted effort.

I’m so sick of these reich wing crybabies. They don’t even like themselves. That’s how hateful and miserable they get. If you can’t handle the idea of someone that’s not like you EXISTING, then it’s YOUR problem not theirs.

Nah fuck all that. Dude just quit in September and was there for 25 yrs. And if he’s in the discord spewing that bullshit he probably was doing the same shit at work. So bringing this to light is valid reporting. 

Sorry, but that’s complete bullshit.

But he was. And that wasn’t long time ago. It was friggin September. You sound like it was a decade ago. Thats not the case. And he didn’t work there for some months but over 23 years.

It looks like it wasn’t even a big secret what he does. Still they kept him for years and as I understand it even protected - it looks

Sadly, it’s not exclusive to games and tech, any old industry (aka ones headed up by old white men for decades or centuries). It’s just that the old ones learned to be a little more subtle in their racism

It’s a common stance of white men (at least conservative ones), they have spent hundreds of years on top of the food chain and the prospect that there is more competition/level playing field (it wouldn’t be) is considered harmful to them. They forget a very simple truth, while the views have modernized, it’s still

This isn’t very shocking considering it’s Geoff Frazier. He’s been like this for decades. For example, he maintained (I have no idea if he still does) a website called where he ranted, Maddox-style, about games and his very open and unhidden right-wing views whenever he wanted. His whole persona is

“And it could also be directly because of him why some people left.
I at least wouldn’t want to work with this guy for an extended period of time.”

Kind of feels like a shitty place to work (with all the people quitting I mean) but then again - this guy uses it just to play the “its all the fault of THEM”.

And its the typical right wing yadda yadda that they also use with their great exchange conspiracy. The foreigners are to blame, the minorities, the

I was about to post how hard the mental gymnastics would be for anyone to side/defend this chud but one of the first replies beat me to it.

Tl;dr. Just like you and the article!

If this website is a disgrace, be a fucking adult and stop reading it. Good lord you’re pathetic.

The abhorent sexism and racism speaks for itself, but what I found most interesting about the linked Discord was the awful assumption that workplace culture “belongs” to him. It’s a cliche, but a cliche for a reason that the hard right assume everything is a battle in a culture war, because to them it is. The idea

Imagine thinking “small dick energy” is actual bodyshaming and not mocking insecurities about manliness.

just someone small time with small dick energy. like every “conservative