
Far as I know jump pilots only wear chutes in case a jumper’s canopy gets fouled on the tail, which might make the plane uncontrollable. But yeah, this dude is sketchy af. The fact that the plane was rigged with cameras and he was wearing a chute is not going to look good when the feds interview him. 

Can you imagine if the crash caused a forest fire? man people don lost their minds.

meaning that while your family is enjoying their fresh, fluffy muffins

Any pilot I have ever known would have put far more effort into at least looking for a place to land with an engine out - and pilots are more or less spring loaded to react that way. This guy had tons of altitude to play with too, so that wasn’t a problem. Moreover, even a student pilot would have known to identify

Sadly, this is not even the first thrill seeker who has been accused of crashing a plane for attention:

Every time I put a parachute harness on the end result was me jumping out of the Aircraft.

Scattering ashes six years after his friend’s death?

911 works when you don’t have a phone contract. You still need phone service. I expect a lot of old phones kept for 911 service will be hitting the garbage soon as they used 3G, which is going away.

If it’s all the same to you, I’m not going to watch his video. I don’t want to add to his clicks.

I’m sorry, but I’ve seen Steven Seagal movies that are more convincing as real-life things that happened when a camera was magically there.

You may not be willing to say he intentionally crashed a plane, but I am. It’s rather obvious he intentionally crashed that plane for views.


9,500 RPM’s! DAMN! No wonder it sounds so delicious!!!

I wish modern bikes sounded as good as this.

Now playing

My favorite motorcycle engine sound comes from another Honda, the gear-driven V4 in pre-2002 VFRs. I owned a 1999 model with a Staintune slip-on and it sounded glorious.

I doesn’t just sound like an F1 car - it sounds like an F1 car from back when they actually sounded good.

This is LFA levels of nnnnnyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeooooooooowwwwwwwwww and I want one.

Got to love that sound.

my 1833 cc flat sx Goldwing sounds nice to me

I bought a 1979 CBX in 1994 for $300. It was in good shape but needed a whole new set of carbs - which were still available from Honda for $1500.