
Meatloaf is one of those things—everyone makes it differently. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. No one is ever required to like anything. I personally can’t stand coconut or mayonnaise. I personally like a good meatloaf, but I’ve had some that were pretty awful. I do think, though, that disliking something

I vehemently disagree with your opinion but I know that arguing would be pointless, so instead I shall leave you with this picture of a meatloaf I made using that Nickelodeon green slime ketchup just for shits and giggles:

Honestly, the racist language shouldn’t be the straw breaking this camel’s back. The fact that this racist douchecanoe went on the record against his employee’s right to a living wage and healthcare was the moment i was done with the whole shitshow that is Papa John’s.

The worst of takes: “guns don’t kill people, video games do!”

Wait, what?

Just....fuck me. What the hell is wrong with people? What justifies killing people at a video game tournament of all places?

Well, the leadership at the NRA is loving this. Now they can say “see, we told you video games are to blame for mass shootings.”

Something, Something Video Games cause violence!”

Naw man, it’s cool. It’s Florida so someone was probably just Standin’ Their Ground(tm)

I await the mass influx of Thoughts and Prayers.

he is both of those things and so much more 

well actually...i’m just asking questions...

Humm... no one cares about your devils advocate position. The Halo obviously worked. The primary reaction might not have seemed on a trajectory to hit the driver but that is not how physics works. Without the halo the wheel could have hit the well or been knocked into the driver by a different secondary force.

6 0f one..

Cernovich is a rapist and the pizzagate guy. He is evil scum.

The next logical step, really the only step, would be to hire Kelly Sadler as her communications director


Anytime anyone says “I’m not saying X, but...” they are literally saying whatever X is. 

Is Cernovich the guy who said women can’t be raped, or the pizzagate guy? I also think there’s a good chance they’re the same person but I don’t want to google those things.

Ah, yes, the old Fox News “Makes you think!” and “Some people are saying” gambit.