I’m currently playing through my second run of ME3 Legendary and I’ve played all of the ME games in the past too and while an ME movie sounds cool, I’m sure they’d botch it severely.
I’m currently playing through my second run of ME3 Legendary and I’ve played all of the ME games in the past too and while an ME movie sounds cool, I’m sure they’d botch it severely.
No, it wasn’t. If I’m making and handing out edibles, I want people to know what can happen if they go too far and I can tell you first hand that it doesn’t mean that you’re simply going to pass out. I even had someone joke around somewhat about eating a bunch of very strong cookies that I made and I immediately shut…
Yeah, the amounts listed sound idiotic. I mean, if you were hungry and ate a big meal at this place at these supposed levels, you’d have a Very Bad trip and never even think of returning. And if you actually foolishly drove there and ate one of these meals, there’s no damn way you’re driving the fuck home! I too, call…
It’s absolute lunacy not to get vaccinated! As you well know, get the shot(s) and probably not get sick or even if you somehow do, you’re probably not going to get very sick. Refuse and you will probably get it at some point and maybe become very sick or die. And you’re a damn potential walking disease vector for…
A quick (and somewhat late) side note from a retired firefighter, but from the looks of that building I think that the roof is what’s called a bow-string construction. At least that’s what it looks like? In FF parlance, bowstring buildings are simply know as death traps/fire company killers.
You’re probably correct. But, I did recently read a story somewhere (and forgive me if I can’t figure out where) that a smaller group of like 6 or so caught Delta, unvaxxed, of course, and like 4 or them died. I just remember that a large majority of the people involved died and that’s well above the ‘normal’ covid…
Such a huge fucking bummer that it (probably) wasn’t one of the new and deadlier variants, like Delta. It probably would have killed off at least one, if not all, of that bunch of scum. And too bad that none of them refused treatment, such as how they wanted general population to refuse it. They all deserved a nasty,…
Take Claire Lower with you next year to dig through the trash cans and reject bins of the expo. She’ll make something seriously tasty out of whatever. She’s a master trash panda (this is a compliment) of repurposing stuff.
Yeah, nut allergies here too and it’s a pain in the ass. Luckily, I’m only moderately allergic and not to the level of reaction to where dust and crap like that can me to the hospital or getting jabbed with an Epi-pen...
Maybe? Wouldn’t surprise me.
Pan size? I only have a 12" cast iron (and it’s a Lodge, but after using a metal polishing wheel and a drill, it’s an awesome and slick pan!).
The mayo spread is an excellent hack that many a diner and restaurant use. I often use it too, but if I’m super lazy I just lop off about a scant tablespoon of butter into the pan and throw the bread on top. Then I just do the same on the other side. I do like the mayo trick though, as it tastes like a really good…
I am very sorry to hear about this friend’s death.
“Would you like extra spit with that order?”
That kid is almost certainly doomed. Lori as the mom, yup doomed. She covered up a murder too. I guess prosecutors aren’t really a thing in small towns? And not enough Dylan getting shot in the face or beaten within an inch of his life for being a violent shitbag. I don’t care one iota if he dropped off some cash. He…
I still refer to them as the FOUR TEEN THOU SAND Bars, thanks to you! I think it still irks Allison a slight bit, but she and her hubby are a bunch of lawless (but DAMN Talented!) kitchen pirates anyway.
First, thanks for responding back in a civil fashion, but I know you’re not one to be a dick unnecessarily anyway.
A big part of the problem is that much of the aging infrastructure was built decades ago during the last big federal funding period. This included local, state, and federal building programs. We haven’t had that sort of supportive spending in a long time and many states simply cannot afford, or at least they don’t…
She was a doctor who knew what was wrong with her, knew how to treat it and strongly suggested being treated, was refused, then she died.