
Libertarianism screws over those least able to fend for themselves; a group which includes animals. Just think of what happens when intensive agriculture intersects with insufficient government oversight, or when pet food is produced without government inspection.

Sorry - replied the the wrong person.

An unfortunate side-effect of having an attitude towards social policy which can be politely summed up as "I've got mine, jack", are accusations of heartlessness.

Bah, listen to you with your damn liberal nuance and its dumb important details. ;)

For men like him, a woman is only worth listening to if she's hot. So what he's really saying is: you're fuckable enough to have something worthwhile to say, but nonetheless I disagree with you.

Critical thinking probably isn't his strong point.

He was one of those very fastidious and proper older men; always in a bow tie and jacket regardless of the weather. If he were a woman, people would have called him "prissy".

What do you think I was doing there in the first place? ;)

You can go wrong with a handshake, and I have the embarrassing anecdote to prove it:

If I were a religious fanatic, I might think "go to hell" had a bit more oomph to it compared to the average bear.

It's not an original concept, but maybe as a pornified aesthetic has become increasingly mainstream over the past 15 years, awareness and acceptance of natural vulvae diversity has declined?

Attention Jezebel-reading McDonald's executives:

Ugh. The mental gymnastics some people will go through to avoid thinking critically about their actions...

Shudders. Frankly I don't even want to think about the meaning behind "I won't allow her to be a dead starfish in bed".

The "Red Pill" MO towards rape and consent, which can only be kindly described as "minimize, deny, misunderstand, misinterpret", definitely makes the whole thing that much more chilling.

Exactly - I've also seen "starfish" used in the same way before, but until now I never thought it was a "thing". Is there some kind of annual creepy guy convention where they get together to decide on these things?

Anyone else think that his "dead starfish" partners weren't exactly enthusiastically consenting?

I hadn't thought of that angle! Although, taking it further (grosser?), maybe you could say if "black panties = she wants to have sex someday" then they would arguably be a good choice of underwear for losing your virginity.

Really? Whenever I re-watch 10 Things, I can't help comparing the relative fortunes of the actors playing the main characters. Compared to the others, she just seemed to drop off the map.