
It's all good.

Any woman. Any ordinary woman or celebrity. Any woman who is either attractive or not. Any time a woman posts a picture, or someone else posts a picture of a woman, people roll in with commentary about the way she looks. It can never just be a picture of a human who happens to be a woman, it has to be about whether

When women are up about 17% of anything, the perception is that they are half.

A men's publication putting out a list of bangable women over 60? That would be a sight. Hell: a list of women over 40, would be something. Because there's a particularly interesting point being missed around here*, and no, it's not particularly feminist or female-friendly.

I must be shallow because...

If you've done that work how come you still don't know that "innocent till proven guilty" applies only to the court?

She's not suggesting the burden of proof be lowered. Just that people stop assuming that 'not guilty' means 'found innocent'. There is a big difference between recognising that someone probably did do something, and giving someone a criminal conviction - the legal ramifications are so significant that we require a

Actually, skinny bashing is pretty real according to Jezebel, and many Jezzies (myself included). This isn't skinny bashing so much as photoshop-bashing. They removed all signs of age from Christy, hence the side-by-sides of her at an event and her in an ad. Did you read the article?

Um, body shaming? Did you read the article?

This is rape culture. Men get coddled as is they're the true victims of their assaults: women get blamed. The double standard isn't just two standards that are kind of parallel: they're opposites where men get all the sympathy and respect and women get all the blame and condemnation.

Heh, 'slightly gross pragmatist' is the small print on my business card. ;)

Feminism? Here? Oh no, for your own sanity, stick to Jezebel and Gawker (and Deadspin, i09 and Jalopnik if those are your things) and keep this stuff far away from Brotaku. It says a lot that gaming culture is actually worse than jock culture when it comes to this kind of thing.

People donated money to her willingly, knowing that she had met her goal. Not sure what your point is.

I guess it was too much to hope for a news article from a third party site. *sigh*

If by "universally lambasted" you mean "harassed and degraded by pathetic, adult sized children who are defensive about their hobby" then yes... that is true.

universally lambasted

Then you may as well never believe in anything, because there ARE no internally consistent social movements. Human beings do not magically become a hivemind when they all belong to the same activist group. Feminism, civil rights, gay rights, any every religion in history have countless splinter groups and offshoots

Yeah, and then the way she further money-grubbed by not monetizing the videos at all! It might seem like disabling adverts on a popular video series is an ineffective way of money-grubbing, but it's all part of her nefarious plan.

I have yet to see any real criticism of her videos, generally people strawman her and make the "money grubbing" claim without evidence.

I assume you're trolling because that woman has been almost universally praised for her thorough treatment of the subject, while Kotaku commenters' responses have universally cemented their reputation as among the most adolescent, idiotic communities when it comes to gender issues and games.