
By the way, everything you dismiss, I will re-post to someone else so that you can’t dismiss it. Your hypersensitivity is becoming not only increasingly evident but also increasingly hypocritical: you can’t cope with being contradicted by a random person on the internet, but apparently teenage girls should just deal

By the way, everything you dismiss, I will re-post to someone else so that you can’t dismiss it. Your hypersensitivity is becoming not only increasingly evident but also increasingly hypocritical: you can’t cope with being contradicted by a random person on the internet, but apparently teenage girls should just deal

Good! :) I’ll take this opportunity to include another dismissed reply to RandomBurnerAccount:

Oops, my bad. I should have left you a note to make it clear, but I was actually replying to RandomBurnerAccount, who dismissed my reply. I'm sorry for the unwarranted snark; hopefully reading the rest of the thread will put things into context. :)

Since I’m not sure whether you’re ignorant of basic vocabulary or of basic professional behavior (or perhaps both), let me break it down for you:

For someone so in favor of the non-PC school of hard knocks you seem unable to handle even the mildest of criticism yourself. By the way, I've re-posted my original comment in reply to someone else, where you can't dismiss it.

Since I'm not sure whether you're ignorant of basic vocabulary or of basic professional behavior (or perhaps both), let me break it down for you:

An updated Hollywood criteria for success:

It's worth noting that:

Pretty much the only new interpretation that would hold my attention at this point would be a gender-flipped version of the story, with a female beast and a male beauty.

It's now my new life's ambition to one day be the recipient of such a card.

Yes. You are a nation of one.*

So much for unwinding after a hard day with a nice chunk of mature farmhouse cheddar and some Jezebel.

Perhaps, but KP probably wears low-cut tops on a regular enough basis that there isn't that much difference in terms of skin tone. But to be fair, the tone difference is a lot more noticeable in this picture than in all the rest, so maybe different face and body makeup which looks identical under most lights is just

Why the difference between face and cleavage? It looks like she had one makeup artist working down below who was more invested in the weird, boundary-crossing Orientalism, and went for the whitened "China doll" look, whilst another working up top went for the more standard "sun-kissed pop-star" look.

The adjective "horrible" used in the same sentence as "Dr. Phil" but referring to someone else? Consider my curiosity about his wife thoroughly piqued.

ETA Just answered my own question. Kiiinnnjjjaaaa!

So, was this a serendipitous glitch or a clever joke?

I didn't mean it literally. I was just riffing on your blase take on things. Tone gets lost pretty easily on the internet.

OTOH, thousands of people also died horribly. So YMMV?