
It would be cool to do this with the villains too. Superficially nice but creepily-taloned and secretly scheming water witches Hama and Ursula would definitely work as a crossover.

All these Avengers themed posts are overstimulating the dirty-joke-generating center of my brain. I just couldn't let that kind of opening g- uh hum.

Or vice versa.

NBD. ;)

I'm a little luckier in sharing most of my other fandoms with friends, but the biggest exception is Thor/Avengers, so I come to the internet, burdened with glorious purpose, to unleash my my inner fan girl.

Was about to comment that I couldn't understand people channeling so much creative energy into something that is inevitably going to be devoured, until I remembered the all the elaborate birthday cakes I've frosted, all the choux pastry I've piped and all the innumerable crepes I've painstakingly cooked over the years.

Here? Edited To Add.

Maybe so, but the asker generally chooses the date and thus price point (and often does so in ignorance of the askee's financial situation). Also, whilst it's still more common for men to break the initial ice, after the first date things settle into more of a back and forth.

And so a thousand folktales about sea witches transforming men into fish were inspired...

I was convinced that this was going to be about candiru - a small South American fish that swims up men's urethras, lodging themselves in place with their spiny fins (at least according accounts to varying credibility).

Ha, now I'm imagining a Ghost-style parody cooking scene, with Thor and Loki standing behind you, strong arms reaching round to help you stir... until they start battling like bildshnipe over the inevitable mess.

First The Avengers vibe post, now this. Is Jezebel getting paid to incite a fangirl army into mobbing theaters when Thor 2 is released?

...and I like the cut of his pectorals.

Chris Hemsworth is ridiculously charismatic. It also helps that the universe spends the better part of Thor's exile giving him an endless series of karmic noogies. "Not possible..."

Popular blond types usually aren't my cup of tea, so appreciating blond men and appreciating Fabio hair on guys sort of blends together for me into a general appreciation of the mainstream flirtation with cheese.

By the nine realms! Quick - somebody point the Glow Stick of Destiny at me and erase my memory!

Thanks for looking - please enjoy the picture I found of Loki where his hair is somewhere between baroque and Lucius Malfoy:

It's weird - although comparatively I also prefer Loki's hair loose, somehow having seen it loose also makes it look better slicked back. Maybe it's my subconscious tying all these different facets together and telling me Loki's a real boy?

Hee, I admit I'm kind of mesmerized by the hair in my own GIF - just look at it whip back. If Loki ever decides to reform and give up his yen for world domination, I can only hope he channels his energies into developing a line of hair-care products.

I could pretty much just stare at the GIF for 120 minutes and call it a Thor 2.