
Oh, I'm disappointed to hear that. Being transplanted not to an entirely new world, but to a disorientating and different version of earth, where you don't know anyone but everyone has a preformed (yet distorted) perspective on your version of earth, sounds like a fascinating premise for a character-development

That was my take on it too. The dynamic between them was so skillfully handled it would be great either way.

Yes to this Sif/Jane-headed rescue! But isn't Thor 2 set after The Avengers? If so, I imagine Loki will probably be imprisoned, as I don't think Asgardians seem like the sort to let someone off with community service and an ankle tag. I don't know how they're going to solve that one.

Agreed - I loved those funny little snippets between Thor and Darcy. It gave the interactions between Thor and the group unusual verisimilitude, which contrasted nicely with all the slightly overblown fantasy elements and actually made you care about the characters. Without them the whole movie would have felt a lot

Between this and the Loki gif in dirtbag, I'm so ready for Thor 2.

I suggest Tom Hiddleston gifs; the answer to any problem.

It's perhaps clearer to call it "mass femicide".

Or maybe if you think posing for the paparazzi in a specially-printed gloating t-shirt is a great idea, you probably have such a different mindset to most other people that something is bound to get lost in translation.

Surely toffee/caramels = butter jam?

Ha - it would be like the Tumblr version of The Ring. You'd know who'd been reading it because a few days later they'd be found dead of a massive brain haemorrhage.

If all the Hiddleston/Weir fan girls joined forces (they'd be natural allies after all), I'm sure "Avengers on Ice: Loki's Return!" tickets would be available in time for Christmas.

Funnily enough, it came up already in another thread:

Kitten aerobics.

Sadly about as likely needing a stunt double that can ice skate for Thor 2. Or as likely as a Tom Hiddleston/Johnny Weir all male figure-skating pair.

I understand that, but saying that Vera is a bad person in a way that sounds like the desert succulent aloe vera is just such a bizarre way of insulting someone that I feel like I'm missing something.

Is it supposed to be an insult that for some bizarre reason puns on aloe vera? (I just googled and I feel like I'm missing something.)

I think I just made that same face, because this gif/post combination is perfection.

Hello, Johnny Weir. ;)

Agreed - when it comes to sensitive spots, even the most tactful advice can feel like an attack, especially if it comes from not only someone you hate, but someone who has some sort of (advantageous) connection to said sensitive spot.