
Split-tailed mermaids, who combine both human female genitals with fish tails, are known in mythology as "melusine". The Starbucks logo started out as one, but then was progressively cropped and de-sexualised as the company expanded and became more mainstream.

So the "saves heroine from drowning" gambit is going to be the next "your blood tastes like 10,000 cronuts smothered in hot fudge sauce and whipped cream"?

"Who the fuck has the kind of time for that shit?" - apparently bitter misogynists with very little else in their life, I would hazard a guess.

Yup - if Kinja opened Pandora's Box and unleashed a plague of trolls, MRAs, trolling MRAs and other assorted evils, then the dismiss button must represent "hope".

Ha, just dismissed the inevitable wide-eyed, "but seatosky and shattered myths; who *are* these strange people" reply from ilcebra88.

I would go with that too, if it weren't for the reply/recommend nature of Kinja approval.

It's just so bizarre. It's not even like there's any shortage of places he can go to find stuff to cater to his entitlement boner, it's just the knowledge that somewhere, some women are doing and enjoying things unrelated to catering to said entitlement boner.

Don't be too hard on yourself - at this stage he's pretty much a professional wind-up merchant. All we can really do is not pay him any attention and leave him alone to impotently squawk and stamp his feet. I would spread the word not to engage with him, but I suspect that he'll simply hide behind a new identity

But he is just one giant douche-bag - there is no room for anything non-douche related. Clearly his mother never told him; "if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all".

Kinja has many, many bizarre layers - it's practically the definition of over-designed. Ironically, Mr Obsessive Troll is exploiting a system specifically designed to keep him out. It's like a troll-moderator arms race.

...aka PinguSanchez. I'm glad I'm not the only one that recognized him.

I'm pretty sure ilcebra88 is the latest identity of a long-term troll. His comments tend to garner the same number of up-votes, suggesting sock-puppeting.

Fair enough - I actually agree with you that people vote against their own interests, albeit as much from idiocy as from other causes.

Om nom nom, little marmoset monkey paws and little marmoset woffely noses, I will eat you all up.

Criticism of sexism often meets with the rebuttal that women themselves are complicit in this. It's a sort of verbal shoulder shrug that downplays sexism whilst implying that it's somehow the legitimate, natural state of humanity - and thus impossible or even undesirable to change. Basically the existence of women

So all women everywhere should suffer because some are conditioned to hate themselves?

Wait, I'm grey and this Russian mafia spam-bot is automatically in the black?

Thanks for replying. I've been lurking long enough to know that you and Kyosuke are The Japan People (caps merited) and I'd be thrilled if you could bring it up with your friends.

Culinary schools must end up with a ton of imperfect food that ranges from merely ugly to downright inedible.

Very interesting, thanks.