
Hi Aimee,

I hope you then rated his parenting skills on a scale of 0 to -50.

I didn't mean to imply that at all.

Me too!

A licensed doctor couldn't tell you what you saw, as it's not an actual medical condition. Colon cleansing kits are pretty much the ultimate scam, as the kit itself, which is usually something like bentonite, is what creates the bizarre bowel movement.

If they were going to change her hair, they could have at least given her raven black locks.

Advice to live by; I guess I'll just have to heart you in case we happen to stumble into the same bubble. ;)

Me too. I love the Jezebel community, but sometimes worry that I'm creating a little bubble.

True, however the sheer ubiquity of peoples' resignation, acceptance, and even admiration toward crisis pregnancy centres makes me feel like I'm the one taking crazy pills.

Exactly. Whenever I wonder if crisis pregnancy centres make me irrationally angry, I stop and consider the innumerable lives that they are personally responsible for ruining through their cruelty, deceitfulness and misogyny.

Oh darling, don't be so dreary. Worrying about these sorts of details is the PA's job.

I take no leave of you: I send no compliments to your mother. You deserve no such attention. I am most seriously displeased.

Humph, I'll have you know that my patronage is highly valued by the pig-wrestling circuit. I bid good day to you, sir!

Of course they didn't. She isn't showing off her bump (otherwise known as existing in public whilst pregnant). Also, in a serious breach of royal etiquette you forgot the red neon sign held aloft by unicorn pegasi behind Kate's head announcing her title to the world, but included Pippa's.

Obviously plenty of posters were being hyperbolic about how old she looks, but people seem to have lost their internal image of what a naturally ageing human being looks like. Maybe it's just the distorting effect of the internet, but Americans seem to be unrelentingly hypercritical, and dismiss any 45 year old

Damn - I knew my subconscious wasn't that witty without external prompting!

Funny thing is, if Le Trianon existed today, I imagine it would actually be given over to Marie's organic, bio-dynamic, heritage kale allotments, with attached "farm shop" globally exporting over-priced vegan cookies.

Well I think you're a troll.

Whilst I also see these personal assumptions and counter-assertions as distasteful, personal enjoyment of sex is basically being used as shorthand for being inclined to allow others to enjoy sex.

My poor Hunger Games-addled mind seized on the word "district", and before you could say "free association", I started imagining another district dedicated entirely to producing porn for the Capitol.