
I think redcoast is implying how impractical it would be to offer presidential style personal protection for every child in America.

But I so wanted to abort your baby.

It’s not that it's difficult; it’s just that the sheer volume of impotently-raging and half-reasoned dregs of adolescent thought in your comment history is simply exhausting in its scope. If I’d known, I would never have bothered to respond.

Oh dear, you’re really rather stupid aren’t you?

I wasn’t responding to the original argument. I was commenting on your specific misinterpretation of “benevolent sexism”, which you then in turn proceeded to misinterpret as “reverse sexism”.

Right; and plantation slaves were looked after with free room and board, assured of a place and purpose in life and protected from a world that such simple creatures were ill-equipped to handle. White people provided for and protected them, and yet civil rights activists are determined to portray that as oppression.

The Catholic Church and Clergycide: How often do they provoke?

I suppose there is a possible correlation with depression, as shingles often manifests when you haven’t been taking care of yourself and are feeling particularly stressed.

I don’t know about what goes on unofficially with the Miss Universe judging, but I wonder if there might be other issues at work underneath the racialised beauty standards BS (albeit ones which are still closely linked to it). For example, Eurovision is not really about music; it’s all about political influence,

Given that the "less to lose" remark was made by an evolutionary biologist referring to a species-wide context, I don't think that it was meant to imply that human males experience less emotional distress if they've been cheated on, but that females of all species are the ones left holding the baby.

Hmm, talk about damning with faint praise.

I take it you've read/seen "The Help" as well? ;)

Where are you?

Oooh, is it a chocolate sandwich?

So, you're saying that male hairstyles are basically interchangeable whilst female hairstyles tend towards variety and visual impact.

Evangelicals trigger my Jane Goodall tendencies. They're a perfect storm of cognitive dissonance, prurience and self-righteousness, all wrapped up in a layer of lurid sentimentality. My favourites are the ones that eventually redeem themselves (probably because that always entails plenty of delicious, delicious

My gut feeling is that on an individual level casual misogyny = dehumanisation + lack of empathy.

I wasn't following the case closely (as a non-American, I only heard about it via Jezebel). I admit that she could well be some sort of pathological liar, but even thoroughly unpleasant individuals retain their right to bodily autonomy. I suppose that the denial of abortion angle just resonated with my particular

Obviously this doesn't excuse her (alleged) actions, but I feel pretty much the same way.