
Very interesting, thanks!

Woah, woah, slow down there missy; I'm afraid that the contents of your uterus, whether metaphorical or physical, is none of your concern.

Woah, woah, slow down there missy; I'm afraid that the contents of your uterus, whether metaphorical or physical, is none of your concern.

Probably because it never stays on right in the lousy Smarch weather.

Exactly. Their sense of smug, self-righteous entitlement is just sickening.

For those of a theological bent: if I call Richard Mourdock a "beslubbering, scrofulous miscreant, who deserves to be slapped repeatedly in the face with a piece of wet haddock", is that part of God's plan too?

For those of a theological bent: if I call Richard Mourdock a "beslubbering, scrofulous miscreant, who deserves to be slapped repeatedly in the face with a piece of wet haddock", is that part of God's plan too?

I think this is part of a wider paradigm. A certain type of religious, white, wealthy man, insulated by generational power and privilege, tends to believe in some secret core of their being that their status in life is somehow divinely ordained and legitimised by God.

Whenever an MRA surfaces claiming that the attention directed at breast cancer awareness is definitive proof that we live in a matriarchal society, I will direct them to this article.

If you'd actually bothered to click on the brief article I linked, you'd know that the other 99% principally comes from agricultural sources such as livestock waste, soy and dairy foods.

Except that oral contraceptives account for just 1% of environmental oestrogen.

Wha?! How did you manage to photograph me in my bedroom, spending my Friday night like any other shrivelled up and shrewish liberal feminist?

As soon as I saw this, I provided my own diabolical laughter soundtrack. Bwah ha ha ha!

Of particular personal concern to Rush has been penis size responding favourably to Obama’s stimulus following the financial crash’s great deflation.

"the average size of [a male's] member is 10 percent smaller than 50 years [sic]"

And people say that speed dating is taking the romance out of relationships.

I think Todd Akin misunderstood his constituents - that sense of uprising that people feel when talking to him is happening in their gullets.

...and concluding that the splurge was nice, but that they're still sticking with their $5 drug store jojoba oil.

Am I the only one who feels that there's some sort of attitudinal parallel between Ann's "multiple sclerosis has been a cruel teacher" quote and the wider position of the GOP that being impregnated by your rapist is some sort of teachable moment if only you just learn to look for that silver lining?

Yes, but for that sort of crowd, wouldn't "Jezebel" read as purely negative rather than as intentionally snarky?