
Did GOPers really need to check online to confirm that "Jezebel" might not be their cup of tea, or did you introduce yourself as representing Gawker Media?

Maybe I'm reading too much into someone's style of talking, but "our little lounge here" struck me as unintentionally indicative of how the GOP views women and "women's issues" in general.

What was said is important. Not all speech is equal, and if something can self-evidently be classified as threat, incitement or libel e.t.c then it will be treated differently from speech that is self-evidently not threatening, inciting or libellous.

I don't think that you can draw parallels between this case and Gabby Douglas.

Someone needs to photoshop a tiny police hat on that swan.

The equivalence he draws between premarital sex and rape for fathers suggests that on some level he thinks that being raped or having sex outside of marriage are both due socially conservative parenting blunders. In other words, that rape victims are badly brought up Jezebels who are somehow responsible for their

I expected some of the first information after their names to be whether they're pro-women's healthcare and pro-choice or anti-women's healthcare and anti-choice, but the article seems to just brush over the issue.

Wait, don't tell me; it's Cathy McMorris Rodgers, right?

I understand the point you're making, but "rule of thumb" is a broadly applied concept that isn't intended to be germane to each specific situation.

I thought that when this little experiment in gender relations was over, we were all going to emigrate back to our home planet, Venus.

I think my muscles are getting sympathy cramps just looking at this photo - or maybe it's just that I've been sitting at my desk all day.

Only Kirk Cameron could hold up a man with six children and a hard-line anti-birth control stance as some sort of fount of wisdom on preventing conception.

Aw shucks, I could say the same about your comment too. ;)

Hello internet taste-bud twin!

Exactly! Do you know how many white grapes ended up absolutely crushed because of this bullshit system?!

"Now with twice as many of those bits of mysterious blueberry fur that will make you choke when you least expect it!"

I'm just waiting for one of Jezebel's resident trolls to pop up and explain to us that white grapes are victims of REVERSE RACISM, and that when it comes to acceptance into the best wine cellars, restaurants are too concerned about equally representing cool and alternative drinks, not just white-baguette wines from

So, good news for those of us that live in places where a single-serving plastic punnet of bitter, slightly shrivelled blueberries costs most than a semi-decent bottle of red?

I don't find the argument that we should be blaming ourselves convincing.

To be fair, I can see why Eiht might be confused, as there is arguably more electrical activity emanating from the cells of Lochte's posterior than his cerebrum.