
None of these problems have ever happened to me (2013 Mazda3 hatch)

I gotta say it, I REALLY like this look. The flat(ter) hood that leads into the alligned headlights and grill. It really evokes the old school muscle car heritage. I'm a huge fan of this over the weird proportions of the previous face. Am I the only one?

I know, I've used TouchWiz. It's got 80 bazillion useless features and maybe 3 or 4 good ones. It looks like the color pallette was chosen by a 5 year old. The app drawer is over complicated. Things that are simple and straight forward on stock Kit-Kat are confusing on TouchWiz. Android looks refined and utilitarian,

The way I like to describe Samsungs approach to things to people who are not super educated on android: Samsung had a business meeting before they released the galaxy s4 (or 5, or 2, or whatever) and said "ok everyone go home and think up a list of things you CAN do with the combination of sensors in this phone" then

Stock android has had settings in the drop down notification bar for at least the last 2 versions. Toggle for Bluetooth, WiFi, airplane mode, brightness, etc. Its right there in the drop down menu. When was the last time you actually used stock android?

I haven't seen it mentioned yet, do people here actually think Matrix 2 and Matrix 3 were necessary?

This makes the inner 5 yr old in my VERY happy. I was at a Newbury comics recently and they had a Gen 1 Optimus prime with trailer for sale for some $80. I almost bought it. Wife wouldn't let me tho. She thinks I've got enough [which I probably do.]

Yes but B pillars (as far as I know) Have less structural rigidity than A pillars. The A pillars aren't that big just because they want them to be. You're going to be adding some stuff in there in order to make this all work, you can't just add all the components of an airbag in and take up 0 space. That's not how

Yeah, Lets make A-pillars even bigger, you don't need to see there anyway. Just make them about 4 inches wider, no big deal.

Was that.... doublecross that I spotted? the two headed dragon transformer?!

woohoo cabover optimus!

Having a large suspension-of-disbelief-organ is vital to enjoying transformer movies.

I love how the J in Davey's acronym travels around each time it is used. Man that was a great read. Totally forward this article on to the advertising lead in my office.

thats exactly what you do. But you have to do it a few times. YMMV but it usually gets the hint on my device after a max of 3 corrections. I've got a contact in my phone and her name is Kassi, but every time I said "call kassi" google would spell it "cassie" so I had to do this correction trick a few times before it

one of the few things that I think is really awesome about "Cortana" is that it has that "notebook" with all the stuff there to see. Google and Siri don't do that. Google allows you to edit that stuff but its not apparent to the user, its more of a learning thing than you editing the preferences. Search for a sport,

you have to teach google now those app names. But usually you only need to correct it once or twice. Same with apps that are certain words but spelled differently. I had to correct it twice trying to launch Waze (it would come up as "launch ways app") .

I have only purhcased one or 2 albums of music from google play, but I've got 60+gb uploaded to music and it handles them all fine.

You have to make sure to set google play music (or whatever music app you use) as the default app for that action. Otherwise it's going to ask you what app to use every time.

The moto X has a dedicated processor for natural language processing. So I'm fairly certain that makes it better at interpreting voice commands than the pure google phone. Like i said before, its a hardware thing. I have a friend who's had every Nexus since the One and I've never heard him complain about voice

I feel the same way. I'm not sure if I'm happy about that or not. If no one else does touchless controls, I may not have a choice in cell phones ever again. It's seriously a game changer in the way I use my phone. I wish that was an exaggeration.