
I totally agree. Asking for content that appeals to different audiences is such a giant slap in the face to all us straight white males. That one sentence in a twenty sentence article rendered the entire piece worthless to me, and Gizmodo should clearly be ashamed of itself.

One more day until Daredevil. I almost can’t take it!

I love Disney’s response.

Become their lawyer. Or their consigliere.

I’m so sick of anti-robot fearmongering films. Why can’t we have more movies like Short Circuit or Bicentennial Man?

Why wouldn’t anyone get that joke, it was the top game on the N64 which is an awesome gaming system that only came out ...... ...... I’m old, aren’t I?

Don’t be dissing Treasure Planet. Home on the Range? Sure, it’s a suck-fest, but Treasure Planet is a good movie. It’s a neat adaptation of Treasure Island. I don’t care if the science is silly.

Exactly, just like how a person is either completely sober, or a crack addict.

Roads aren't for cars only. Similarly, they aren't for motorcycles only either. Public streets aren't the private playgrounds for these guys anymore than they are the private racetracks for street racers.

I can hate on them. Because they are fucking idiots.

That’s simply idiotic, though your admission of being part of CM makes sense. There is NOTHING glorious about this. Reckless riders put the rest of us at risk by pissing off drivers.

Even worse! An unfamiliar way to control a car, paired to a [potentially unreliable] steer-by-wire mechanism. Thank goodness this is only a concept!

I hate to be that ignorant guy in the comments but....did not know you could do that.

Oh, better threaten to kill him then.

Tell me again how disarming the law abiding will make criminals follow more gun laws?

Why do you make the assumption that sound quality is the only metric by which Sonos be judged? Also, why are you making a comparison between speakers + components and a soundbar?

BS. they are all touching each other every square inch so will conduct temperature evenly from one to another so will expand or contract at same rate. the plastic might have a higher co-efficient of expansion than the glass unless this plastic is designed to be similar co-efficient to glass. at any rate the outside

In and of itself it isn't overly impressive, but it makes sense as part of the Sonos ecosystem. It's hard to appreciate Sonos if you've never tried it.