
Looks like a Wii U remote glued to the glove box. What's your point? That unit is already obsolete because of my Nexus 6p with google maps that gets updated constantly, and for free. I don't think I would ever want a built in GPS unit in any vehicle I own. I would much rather just use my phone on a RAM mount like I do

I know this is months after your original comment, but Apple restricts your audio selections a lot more than sonos does. Sonos supports both apple music and google play music, among a very large variety of other sources. With a sonos you can even plug in any other audio source (for example, a cd player with a

Ugh, Straight and flat is the worst. Honestly, if you didn't get another bike because YOU didn't get another bike, that's fine, make your own decisions, you're obviously not as obsessed as I, er, I mean, some people are. Just make sure she doesn't keep you away from your passion, that's a recipe for disaster.

If you really have a love for riding, then don't marry her, because you're not going to lose that love of riding and if she can't understand that, there are larger problems at play.

For the record, it’s not “can’t” its “won’t.”

I guess I’m the exception that proves the rule? I crashed my first bike (1984 Honda VT500FT Ascot, which I stupidly bought without my then fiancée's consultation, just came home one day "hey babe, I bought a motorcycle," she was less than enthused) and went the winter without a bike. Bought my second bike when my wife

You're.... so dumb. Just...I...*walks away*

If I remember correctly it was actually steer by joystick lol.

So Sonos does make stereo units. You can also pair up 2 Play:1s to create a stereo pair, but when the purpose of your whole house music system is purely for ambient music to be playing all the time, you don’t need stereo, and really you won’t make use of stereo. When you’re listening to music in the kitchen making

Only addressing this single concern, as someone already said there were many reasons this concept never came to be, but this isn't one of them. As I remember it, it was completely drive by wire. Meaning that the driver controls were all digital and would just plug into the bottom portion to transmit the control inputs

It's ok. I'm not faulting you, it's not like you've got a huge team of writers on this site. I just wish I could read more about more motorcycles. Keep up the good work!

First of all, I’d like to say that MV Agusta bikes are effing beautiful. Just look at that thing! I want to have 2 of them so I can ride one and display the other on my wall.

I can’t... but.... wow. I really think you’re just projecting here. There was no way to tell the riders race, therefore there is no way that there would have been a different outcome had he been of a different race. It’s a minority of police violence that is motivated by race, however the majority of publicized police

I always wear a full faced helmet, and jacket, and gloves, and boots. I would not change that behavior if there was no law requiring a motorcyclist wear a helmet. I think Bikers should be allowed to ride without a helmet, but had never thought of the required increase in insurance, and now I support this idea as well.

first of all, I think your response is complete and utter bullshit, and is borderline racist, Secondly, if you watch the video, there is no way that the cop could tell that the guy was black or white at all, or at least until after he was already on his knees on the ground. This was bias fueled, but it was not a race

I really don’t see this as a vital requirement. Sure, a lot of people will require an Ethernet connection if their wifi sucks. But wifi, in general, is not inferior. If you’ve got the right set up, your hardware limitations are going to be the bottleneck before your wifi is.

Their gas is obviously the most premiumist of all the premiums. Don't you know how prices work? The more expensive it is, the higher the quality. That's how that works right?

I feel that if you are even considering a 6+ year car loan, you’re doing money wrong. You cannot actually afford a car if you need a 6+ year loan in order to pay for it, you are now living above your means, buy a cheaper (probably used) car, and take good care of it. Problem solved.

You can install other OSs on a PC as well. Even one with these new chipsets. The difference is that Microsoft is not going to officially support any OS other than windows. They didn’t say they’re blocking you from installing Linux or android or mac or John Doe's custom OS he built from the ground up in his basement

I feel like they did that because in terms of our actual observation of the known universe, we are at the center, because that’s where we’re observing from. so if we can only see a specific distance in any direction, we actually are at the center of our observable universe.