
If you're talking about iOS7, she had that for a while before we got our Moto Xs. She's had a 4s and we just both got moto x's about 3 weeks ago. Neither of us noticed a performance increase in Siri post iOS update.

This may be due to your hardware? I have a Moto X and I don't have a problem at all. if I say "listen to" anything it will either find it in my music library and play it, or it will bring me to the music app, I can set reminders, ask for the weather, use contextual questions like "hey, google now, whats the weather

1) Techniclly speaking, the Rate of speed is acceleration,

I'm a fan of lane splitting. However, the only time I feel safe enough to do this is when traffic is moving between 0 and 5mph. I often split lanes at a traffic light because I feel safer sneaking up to the front of the line than waiting at the back wide open for some jackass who's texting to slam into me.

I doubt it heavily. I know 5 people who have iPhones. My brother and his fiance don't know what iMessage and if they did they wouldn't use it cause they never respond to texts anyway. My mom has no idea how to use her own tech, and the other 2 friends are both trying to decide between the moto x and the s5 for their

I don't have an iPhone, no, but I do have a few friends who have iphones. They all use Google hangouts.

That is flat out wrong. That's not how APIs work.
All android Phones have the same set of sensors. They all have the same ways for software to interface with these sensors. This is a BS Excuse

I personally know literally zero people who use iMessage.

I know its slightly off topic, and I've said this before, but I'm really fed up with the "if you can afford x you can totally afford y" comments. Just because rich303 can afford a large house does NOT in ANYWAY mean he (or she?) can afford an additional $1,200 every 7 years. I'm sure that most people who own large

I really enjoyed the wolverine part of that movie, but when they turned Weapon X into weapon 10 and then made weapon 11 (XI) it just started to go down hill... Its too bad Marvel will likely not regain the rights to Wolverine in time for them to make a movie with Hugh Jackman.

First of all, that would be a fantastic title to a faithful to the comics version of Deadpool. However, secondly, they kind of already destroyed deadpool in X-men origins remember? Unless they somehow reverse that, or maybe go back in time before Wade joined Wolfy's team, or something. It would be hard for them to do

You could buy a first gen Nexus 7 and only install the sonos app. Then deactivate the lock screen. Bam, problem solved, for less money!

So THATS what that thing was! I was driving home from work (in southern mass, heading north on I-495) and saw this. I had no idea what it was. Trailed it for quite a few miles, tried to take a picture or a video of it, but if anyone here has ever frequented 495 you'll know that it is difficult to find a moment where

Damn! You beat me to it

I imagined your avatar yelling your response. I lol'd.

REAL Coffee can actually taste quite good. But if you've only had dunkin, or folgers, you don't really know what you're missing.

Seriously, I am never going to Australia. NEVER, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO IT!

I just immediately hang up and add the # to my marketers contact which automatically goes to voice mail without ringing my phone. Problem solved in less time than it takes to say "please put me on your do not call list"

Do you hate america?

Fuck you Australia. Fuck you.