
I don’t if it helps with your inventory problem, but it will definitely

The best ones I ever had were on my wife’s 91 CRX. It did the most beautiful job of illuminating highway 93 on those late evenings after visiting my ailing grandparents.

It will always be like this.

Nice read. My internal voice turned to James Burke about half way through...

For years it was 35 miles from the corner of Hollywood and Vine.

His mom is going to pissed that he lost the Tupperware. 

 I remember reading some time in the 90s that the corvette had a higher tow rating than their half ton truck....Not that anyone actually put a hitch on one, but it was published as being so.

One side of my family is very politically active and have been for years.

I got one on the 8th. All over muscle aches the next two days. Hurt to move....

We just had this experience. In and out, with the Subaru STI, of the dealership in 35 minutes.


It’s weird when the world runs out of extras in ones life.

Son, you have a panty on your head!

It really doesn’t look good....

My wife had a z34 in white. It was her first new car. Bought at Sands Chevrolet at decent discount because of the 5-spd.

He owns a LOT of land in the Sun Valley/Ketchum/Camas Prairie area.

Damn. I’m that Uncle Christopher. Not so much Extruded Aluminum Uncle Christopher as I am the Powder Coated Uncle Christopher.

These things were legion at the U of Arizona in the mid-80s. There was a parking lot for motorcycles on the mall across from student union that I counted over 800 parked scooters one afternoon while I ate my sandwich. Then the Arizona legislature made insurance mandatory and they virtually disappeared overnight

It’s from the ‘plastic’ that (it’s spayed into the can/plastic bottle/etc and ends up as a thin film of plastic) protects the container from the acid in the food. But the acid leaches the phthalate out while in storage. Canned soup is a big offender. Another big source is thermally printed receipts. The guy who

An early 80s Monday after the Tucson Rodeo weekend.