
Are you seriously saying that women (and I guess non-white people?) should consider being treated less than equally as a great way to build character?

I’ve been catching myself doing things like this lately and trying to be more aware of it. mostly with music, only recommending female artists to my female friends, thinking the boys wont like it.

Now I am going to tell my MIL to watch it with my FIL. Who is a lovely man, I swear, but a bit antiquated sometimes. It will deeeefinitely make him uncomfortable.

I tried to watch with my partner last night, he read the book a while ago, but is a definite Atwood fan...but he said he couldn’t bring himself to watch something so brutal and heavy. I get that, I don’t think I’d want to see it if I was in the wrong mood. So, I’m going to watch today at the gym, follow it up with

I’d say that was the saddest thing I’ve heard all day but then I remembered that our president fucked up pronouncing “Nazis” at his Days of Remembrance speech so...

Oh nooo that’s horrible and so rude. Did she at least embarrass herself?

It probably wouldn’t be so grating if the whole idea of “progressive purity” hadn’t been the exclusive talking point of every Bernie supporter during the last election. Even when push came to shove, and Bernie told his supporters to go out and fully support Clinton, we were told that it wasn’t enough. That his

Bernie reminds me of 1960's radicals who supported socialist agendas, but really saw basic rights for women and people of color as an afterthought that could be solved with socialism. It can’t. Systemic racism and sexism and misogyny is a lot more complicated than that. To me that was Bernie’s fatal flaw. Which is

During the election (shortly after RNC when I was fucking horrified and during DNC when a bunch of Bernie bros started crowing about how their tantrum meant more than people’s actual lives) a male friend condescendingly explained to me which issues were ‘progressive’ enough to appeal to voters like him. The misogyny

Yeah, would have been nice if you and your douchebag bros had had the same, “Go with the best possible option in the election that’s ahead of you and stop worrying about what could have been!” Jesus fuck, look at what you’re doing, you hypocritical hack.

Honestly, you sound like a clueless dude who’s literal body autonomy and health aren’t on the fucking line. Reproductive rights are hand in hand with economic rights and economic freedom. Women’s right to control their bodies against unwanted pregnancies goes miles in allow us to be economically independent. So for

Scandal after scandal and she still won more votes. The cold/not-well-liked thing is a media myth. She consistently polled as one of the most admired women in US history.

When a Republican wins and passes Draconian shit you have no one to blame but yourself. This guy is a Democrat and likely could be swayed to the pro choice side, but no, not good enough. Good luck getting birth control paid for by insurance two years from now, thanks for getting more fucking Republicans elected.

Nice straw man: not what I said at all.

She won more votes than many recent presidents. She only lost because of poorly distributed ballots based on an archaic system that favours rural voters over urban (i.e. the majority). And I’m not even mentioning the possibility of Russian interference and/or rigging on behalf of Trump.

Apparently throwing reproductive rights under the bus is a-ok for Bernie when it suits his agenda. But Jon Ossoff, a young, bright Dem in a ruby red district that, if he were to win, could potentially have seismic ramifications is a bridge too far for Bernie to get behind. All because Ossoff is running in an affluent

Ugh and when he went after Dolores Huerta and Jon Lewis. And the blacks in ghettos comment. And during the debates he was so condescending and dismissive to Hillary it was painful to watch. What sucks is I agree with about 99% of what he says but somehow he is able to preach economic justice while alienating

And yet he jumped down Hillary’s throat because she endorsed a $12 vs $15 minimum wage based on actual progressive economists research.

All started when he called Planned Parenthood part of the “establishment.” He doesn’t give a fuck about women’s healthcare.

This is EXACTLY why I didn’t trust Bernie from day 1.