
And yet, in this picture, Hillary is right where she belongs. Head shoulders above these idiots and looking down upon them.

I’m not sure, but the mechanism does exist, and that is what it’s there for. Feinstein is a moderate Democrat. Why on God’s green earth would she just step out of the way because people who are more progressive than she is want her to?

Dear Sen. Feinstein,
Stay right where you are, just one more term. While the old-guard Democrats absolutely need to make way for a new generation, fresh blood, and updated thinking, we also still need serious, thoughtful members, especially in the Senate. Ideological purity tests are a sure fire way to promote bad

I’m just hoping the same people who blamed “the DNC” for the loss in KS04 don’t also decide to give up because Ossoff didn’t win outright on the first ballot.

I am 100% against circumcision and it is horrifying to watch but it is not at all similar to removing the labia and hood. Neither in the resulting level of mutilation/damage done or how involved the procedure would be. It is not a contest but it is also not equivalent and needs to stop being brought up whenever FGM is

Not even close, but white guys just want to feel like victims too! Anti-circumcision guys are really, shall we say, passionate, about their cause, so are often much more vocal.

This man is a hero. The courage it must take to be an outspoken and highly-visible abortion provider in this day and age, when you have seen your colleagues killed, and in the face of rabid anti-choice activists and legislation, is tremendous. I fervently wish for his continued safety.

IF ONLY this were a more viable option for travel in the US. I would happily skip to the train and spend a day there to go from Chicago to Omaha if 1) the trains were ever even on the same planet as on time or 2) the journey didn’t take 15 hours because of all the stops. I would love to see the US invest in their

Lol ok. 🤷🏽‍♀️

She can’t win. When she’s legitimately snarky (Exhibit: the “deplorables” comment), she gets dragged for being mean. When she’s scripted snarky (Exhibit: “Trumped-up trickle-down”), she gets dragged for being fake. When she’s serious, she gets dragged for being cold and calculating. When she’s genuine and honest,

If Hillary Clinton were President, 8 year old American Nora al-Awlaki & 35 other women/children would still be alive today because she would not have greenlit a raid Obama previously refused to.

The CEO literally made the “not aspirational” comment in an all-hands meeting. The entire company heard him say it. I was there. Jaws dropped. His propensity to lie is shocking and disgusting.

Nah. They have thrift stores and hand-me-downs and garage sales in rural areas

Gregg Koger feeling disappointed by the criticism, criticism that she can now just wash her hands of, is pretty eye-roll inducing. Like...be disappointed in the direction your company went, in the fact that the CEO is a misogynistic creep, not because people are voicing their concerns about it. Be disappointed that

A week ago people were actually posting those articles about Sen. Sanders proposing a single payer bill. As if the demise of the Republican health care plan was somehow going to usher in some rationality to this issue. I hope we are gaining a clearer picture of what we are dealing with here.

The DNC did not “put us in this position” more people voted for Hillary Clinton in the primary and the general.

Especially after today, when he made it clear he has no problem throwing women’s rights under the bus (which we suspected all along).


I don’t think she will. She’s probably just going to give speeches like this and that’s probably it. I absolutely do not want Bernie Sanders to run.

Also, maybe, just maybe, when people are posting about what white people are allegedly saying or doing in public or privacy, other white people may be able to confirm or deny it? Many of us know our own bullshit and call it out. It doesn’t mean that we are successful.