
Hey now, they count as 3/5ths people!

My dad is a Special Education teacher at a public school and he was the first one to text me after the vote. He was watching it happen live in his classroom along with his students who have autism and learning disabilities. He is devastated for his students and for himself. Please know that I and millions of other

Just give everyone a backwards baseball cap, dad sunglasses, and a one-way ticket to Richard Branson’s private island and maybe we can survive the next four years.

This is where the libertarian-leaning branch of the Republican party needs to speak up. Civil forfeiture is probably the closest thing we could legally get to “the government is gonna take all my guns!”

Got my Mirena in January, right after the inauguration. Overall it ended up costing me $2.44 (including the misoprostol prescription beforehand and co-pay). Thanks California/Obamacare!

Yes! My mom wouldn’t let me watch MTV, either. I would definitely go over to my friend’s house to watch, though, because she had the neighborhood cool mom.

We also have avocados. Avocados are the beautiful link between tacos and sandwiches.

Okay, I didn’t realize that we aren’t going on “actual definitions” of things nowadays. I guess I don’t exactly see what you’re trying to argue? Trump’s supporters liked and trusted him. Bush’s supporters liked and trusted him.

Nope, actually I think it was a combination of people not voting/voting 3rd party because they thought she had it in the bag, racism, sexism, Islamophobia, white women in the Midwest voting against their own interests, people thinking Trump was a joke, and the fact that those in the Republican party eventually come

Definition of Cult of Personality

Yes. For me, voting for someone consists of more than just whether or not we agree philosophically on everything. I’ve had a lot of friends with whom I agree with politically/philosophically, but if they decided to run for office I’d never vote for them because I don’t think they have the experience, negotiating

I know I probably shouldn’t have commented on the article at all, but I’m just so sick of the leadership in this country (Bernie Sanders/Ted Cruz included) turning everything into a goddamn reality show where we pick sides, create meme-able sound bites, and turn off critical thinking skills. From the looks of the

Ugh, this isn’t Bernie kicking off a campaign for 2020, right? He’s too old?

I had the chance to meet Ronda Rousey randomly about a year ago. She was very friendly, but I was also hyper-aware that she could pin me down to the ground within seconds and I wouldn’t even know what hit me. You could just see her body’s strength, even under a sweatshirt and jeans.

Yeah, I don’t think they should remake it now. I’m not sure how it could possibly not be offensive in today’s world. 2017 America should not revert back to 2003 America.

I shake my head and mutter “how is this real?” When Bono dies, they’re gonna play that line over and over on the news coverage.

I’m honestly shocked every year at Christmastime when I hear that they’re still playing it on the radio.

Yep, this seems about right.

Ugh, it feels like we’ve all stepped into a giant time machine and are headed back to the worst parts of our history. Granted, I feel like contextually this show helped bring visibility to the gay community back when it was on (I remember my very homophobic grandma started watching the series and realized, ‘Hey,

Oh gross, I forgot about that one.